Wing Boards - Commission

Just a general question

Does anyone know the current timescale for the Commission Wing Board, or does it vary by wing.

As far as l can see my SC has been done, just waiting for an interview date.

Need to talk to my employer to book time off.

Thank you in advance.

It varies wing by wing, ask your sector officer or staff development team.

In my wing/region the boards are all done remotely via Teams in the evenings (typically parade night times) so you shouldn’t need to travel or take time off


It varies.

My Wing filter was in person, in the evening and took about 45 minutes.

My regional was via teams and again was in the evening and that was about an hour.

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Just to throw it out there, our Wing does their ones on Wing Training weekends throughout the year. The weekend itself will be for cadet training for multiple Bronze/Silver courses and the boards are found a space there throughout the weekend (not staying the weekend obviously)

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