Who takes final parade


Flight Commanders form up their flights, hand over to senior cadet.

Hands over to OC Sqn. Staff formed up at the side, looking onto the parade, so can brief any parts they need to before dismissal.

OC could ask for an lother NCO to take the position as training, or as a pre-amble to shouting for Sgt Bloggs (who just happens to be Cpl Bloggs), and gets promoted in the process.

“Sergeant with lots of emphasis by the OC at this point, dismiss the squadron”

I do CCF (we are tri-service).

The senior cadet present (usually head of corps) takes the final parade. Prior to this all sections have been formed up. We form up so that the parade forms a square with the 3 sections on each side facing in and the officers on the fourth side. Section SNCOs stand behind their section.
The senior officer present (usually contingent commander) oversees the parade, with the rest of the officers formed up in a line behind (and to the right) of the contingent commander.

The cadet taking the parade will do(in italics) and say(bold) the following:

Form up all sections

Come to attention



About turn

Salute CC/senior officer on parade

Ask for permission to carry on permission to carry on sir

About turn

Parade Stand at EASE

Stand at Ease

-Notices- - these are lead by the SSI (RSM)

Stand to attention



About turn

Salute CC

Ask for permission to carry on

About turn

Parade Stand at EASE

Parade, Officers on Parade, DISMISS

To make things easier, we follow the Army’s Drill with the 90 degree turn instead of 45 degree turn. The Navy do their own thing there but respond to Army commands.

We reverted back to this format after the third lockdown. This is the only format we have done in the last 5 years, and I expect has been the same or similar for >100 years. Most of our staff have been officers in our contingent for over 20 years, others having been members as a child.

We always do this outside (you can’t fit 200+ people inside, due to COVID we have reduced parade numbers to about 50 though with alternating weeks and days.


You let the OC loose with such things?

Perish the thought at our unit. He’s happier not being involved, he still think the command is Atten-SHUN!

At least, that’s what he wants the WOs to think, it is funny to watch them wince.

Better than one of my old OCs.

They always shouted “Atten-hun”

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As someone who’s been in the ATC for 15 years and never known atten-shun to be a thing, when did this go out of fashion/regulations? What were the reasons behind it?

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It was a update issued with the change in the command form attention to shun

I think from me with it would be about 2000ish… I think!

Having never really thought about it until now, isn’t it a bit odd we miss the first part of the word off? :man_shrugging:


I’ve always thought of it as replacing the first half of the word with the formation being given the command, because I’m very strange.

We didn’t when I was a Cadet and then the Regiment got their hands on the RAF drill world.


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And you’re still shouting now… :wink:

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Oh, I though you might understand the implication of a little humour in my post.


Well exactly

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For us we’ve had different combinations. It’s mostly been senior NCOs like a CWO or a FS who take it. If none are present then a Sergeant will take it and then salute to the OC and march behind the squads for the OC to take the squadron. When everything has been spoken whoever is the highest NCO then takes over the squadron again and dismiss them.