White Water Rafting

Hi Guys,

Quick question (maybe a bit daft) - do cadets need a swimming proficiency to go white water rafting?



[quote]ACATI 024 refers:


  1. Water sports for the purposes of the ACAT scheme covers most activities involving un-powered craft on certain specified waters. The specified waters include any place within the territorial limits of Great Britain on the sea or any other tidal waters, including estuaries, the tidal reaches of rivers, sea lochs and harbours. The term also includes any body of inland water including lakes of any size, canals, rivers or any inland waters where the surface is turbulent because of weirs, rapids, waterfalls or fast flowing currents (white water). The craft subject to the ACAT scheme, if used on specified waters, are canoes, kayaks or similar craft; rafts (inflatable or improvised); sailing boats, windsurfers, sailing dinghies or other wind-propelled craft. Canoeing and Kayaking are activities that foster self-reliance, leadership, initiative and courage. It also develops self-confidence and self-discipline as well as physical strength and powers of endurance. As with all Adventure Training, canoeing and kayaking involve a risk to life, which is minimised by sound progressive training and compliance with proven safety procedures.


  1. The over-riding principles for the safe conduct of canoeing and kayaking are as follows:

a. Risk Assessment.

b. The party is led by, or has a member of the group, who is qualified to British Canoe Union (BCU) Coaching Scheme standards, appropriate to achieve the aim and objectives of the expedition or project.

c. The activities attempted must be within the bounds and experience of the BCU qualified coach.

d. All canoeing and kayaking activities must be conducted within the teaching of the BCU Coaching Scheme.

e. All personnel taking part in ACAT water based activities must have passed the Air Cadets Basic Swimming Competency Test. Details at ACP 20B, ACTI No 64.[/quote]
My emphases.

Edited to add:

To avoid a wild-goose-chase, the details of the test - which were of course never in ACP20B in the first place, and have now moved from ACP20A - are now in ACPEDTI 005.

Cheers Matt

White water rafting is suitable for all age groups as various types of rapids are available for different tastes and experience. Almost anyone with a reasonable health can go for white water rafting.

[b]White Water Rafting Grand Canyon