Where to fit in?

Good evening All,

I am seeking some advice.

After falling in to the Staff Officer bubble, missing the opportunity to engage and develop Airmen and, also seeing the great work the RAFAC does, I have decided to try and volunteer sometime to a wonderful organisation that produces the future of the RAF.

However, I’m not entirely sure where I can fit in. I am a regular Flt Lt but, not a pilot.

I have scoured the forum and can’t seem to see any posts about what sort of stuff Service Helpers/Instructors get involved with, I have seen a post or two about what we aren’t allowed to do though (any sort of management role!?).

Given the PAMS/AP/ACP/JSP and a bit of time I am keen to learn, observe and instruct (completed DTTT) etc where needed, any advice on where I might be able to fit in?

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Ultimately we’re crying out for staff, and any exposure to regular service personnel is useful.

The limit to what you can do is more of a practical one - people that can be deployed or posted with little notice means that sometimes management roles don’t work out as you can imagine. That said if you’re settled and not going anywhere soon they should be available.

Best thing to do is look up local squadrons and then go and meet them. Find one you like and start there.


Thanks that’s good to know :slight_smile:

Luckily I’m just returned from deployment so won’t be going anywhere for a while :crossed_fingers:

I have been in contact and waiting for some replies, was hoping to go for the forewarned is forearmed approach and get as much gen as I could going through the process :slight_smile:

Depends totally on the Squadron!

My Adj is currently a regular Cpl because I have no other uniformed staff - he’s a massive help and really involved with the cadets and organisation of the Squadron.

I know of another Sqn that had a Gp Capt as a Service Instructor who loved doing STEM with the cadets and also helped deliver a lot of the the

Regardless of your role and background, you will have skills and experience that would be useful to any unit (whether or not the recognise it is a lottery though).

Likewise, most units will have a skills gap or vacant role that could be taken to take some pressure of someone multi-hatting or increase the activity offering.

The trick is trying to marry what you have with what they need. Your open attitude would seem to put you in a good position though.

One thing to be aware of, for all your solid experience doing it for real, you might see a lot of things that you think could be different or better (structurally, administratively, etc)… just remember it’s someone else’s train set in a different environment and while you might be right, you can’t go trying to tear down the walls of the castle from day dot.

And, er,

Maybe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great news feeling very enthused to get involved :slight_smile:

Thanks for being gentle with me, this is all great to hear and remarkably (from some of the threads I’ve browsed) positive!

I’m pretty keen to do anything I can, very much a ‘learn by doing’ sort of person.

Fully aware it’s someone else’s train set, I’ve had my command fix through work, more than happy to just muck in and help where I can :slight_smile:


We’re not all flat cap and slippers, shaking our sticks at the world. That said, I’m sure Victor will be along soon…

It’s a bit of a mosh pit - everyone going for it against each other until we spot someone needs help.


The big thing you’ll learn very quickly is that being staff in the ACO is much more like dating than doing a job in the regulars!

Roles and units are amorphous and can be radically different from one unit to another, and matching is about feeling out lumps, bumps and attitudes.

Its also important for your longer term involvement to work out what you want out of it - the Sqn may have an Adj or STEM shaped hole that your skills/experience fit perfectly, but if you get more than enough of that at work you’re probably not going to be very happy to give up your evenings for very long.

Go slow, try to resist the temptation to jump in and ‘save’ a Sqn that’s in terminal decline (there are many, and a regular RAF officer with enthusiasm and contacts would help them enormously), be happy to think as much about what *you * want out of it as what you can give.


There’s virtually no limit to what you could do, from running planexes and STEM or Comms or sport or AT, to admin duties such as Trg Off or Adj. If you have - or can get - range/shooting quals most Wings would bite your arm off.

Not being a pilot is no barrier. I have colleagues who are excellent SNCOs and Officers who don’t even like planes!

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Any military exposure is great. It isn’t necessary as most of us have never been military, however it is very helpful for all sorts of reasons! :slight_smile:

We had an ex army cpl and his knowledge and experience was brill. He was ex RLC. Your experience alone will inspire the next generation!

Although you may specifically want to help the ATC, don’t forget the existence of the CCF(RAF) as well; there may be a role especially helping the new state school-based units. If you want any help or contacts PM me.


Fair point though and a worthwhile consideration to weigh up needs of the local ATC and CCF and level/type of desired involvement.

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Yeah, baby!! :+1:

I think the simple answer is anywhere. People should bend over backwards to get you in to the organisation and delivering things.


Thank you all for the encouraging replies going to try and drive it forward next week :slight_smile:

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