What's going on with JL & QAIC

I haven’t heard anything about either of them and it’s rather depressing… The two most prestigious courses and there both gone!

QAIC qualified cadets to do pretty much nothing expect teach bronze cyber

JL started a leadership course but is now shifted more towards fieldcraft which makes people thrown upon it as there is multiple ways the get the same gold badge

When can we expect an update!


JL’s basically being made into a rebranded ACLC.

So it’s essentially dead, because ACLC was always impossible to staff.

Any ideas when JL will be back? I was looking to do that as I got older in cadets and im using it as my “end goal” for my cadet career

Not a clue sadly, I’m really sorry buddy.

If not when…

No worries, just back to the waiting game then

Both courses were paused for the 24/25 training year.

On the assumption they resume for 25/26 I’d expect to hear about this around June based on previous years.