Try and get them involved in off-squadron activities.
I had a chap join 4½ years ago no particular experience or interest, he went on a basic training weekend where the cadets were doing archery. He now runs our archery, something we weren’t doing.
For parade nights again get them involved as much as possible. The old ACPs are still pretty valid for classifications. Find out if they have any specific areas they are interested in and get them started instructing.
Silly question has anyone sat down with them and found out if they have anything they would like to do? Any new staff sit down with me and the TO and just chat, no pressure to do this or that, afterall it’s their time they give and if they aren’t doing something they are interested in, they won’t want to stay.
1st night: tour of unit, meet all staff and senior cadet NCOs, read sec orders, fire orders, standing orders,
2nd night: complete protecting info level 0, read of main risk assessments
3rd night: quick run through of bader email and sharepoint
4th-6th night: sit in with staff/observe activities and training
(when timing matches) they complete the first class training package with the new cadets with a view to assisting on the second round
[quote=“phoenix718” post=17021]I’ve got 3 new CI’s coming online in the next few weeks and I’m wondering what to do with them all?
They’re all keen generalists and just want to help out. How can I make the most of them and keep them interested?
What do you do with new staff?
Any ideas?
Well you could start by showing them where to find the kettle and the staff Drinks list.
Seriously though
Atour of squadron and full introduction tothe projects already being Run
A chat with the staff to find out what they may wish to offer from their own hobbies intrest etc
let them find there feet for a week or two…then consider if it is actualy what they want to do… and then another chat with staff
A self introduction to cadets perhaps.