What is the RAFAC doing well?

Much of the recent rhetoric on here and elsewhere is about what RAFAC and not doing so well with, decline in CFAV numbers, increasing admin burden on volunteers, and the lowest level of morale that most can remember. BUT surely it’s not all that bad?

What are RAFAC doing today that is hitting the spot and needs expanding?

Where are there some quick wins for the organisation?

What would you like to see change in the future that would improve the organisation?

I am not naive and I am genuinely interested as there is an upcoming opportunity for these to be potentially aired with our new leadership. Please be respectful and remember if it costs lots, it’ll probably out. Be realistic.


I will start…

I think that the only place on RAFAC uniforms where the word “cadet” is visible should be on cadet uniforms, in line with ACF and SCC.

Adults should have “RAFAC” and cadets should have a legend with the word “cadet” in there. whether that be “Staff Cadet”, “Air Cadet” or whatever.

I am very conscious of branding and the image that projects internally but more important externally. It is really important to get this right and I think the entire thing at the moment is a shambles. I saw an older cadet at NASC wearing MTP with Sergeant slides. It wasn’t obvious due to their age that they were a cadet, but the adult next to them had RAF AIR CADETS emblazoned on their slides. This is all wrong and needs a review. if RAFAC is good enough for No1 SD then it should be good enough elsewhere.

Alternatively the gold “V” for volunteer is no longer in use elsewhere. and could be easily used here.

A quick win?


I’ve thought this for some time, sir. Reliance on the ATC cap badge (which isn’t worn by CCF), brassards (which aren’t always visible or not on all modes of dress), recognition patches, etc. is no substitute for ‘CADET’ on the rank slide, which the other cadet forces wear.

Cost is often given as an argument against this, but if every ACF county can manage their own custom slides then I’m sure it’s something RAFAC can manage.

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I’m guessing you don’t know the background on our last rebrand? There was a survey put out that asked what we should have on the rank slides. It was promptly ignored!


Quick win would be to adopt the ACF MTP rank slides for No3 dress (with CADET in red).

A solution for No2 could come in time. Maybe a blue blank with CADET on it, and regular rank slides over it? That way we only ever need to issue the blank ones once (& MTP, which must be in the system already)

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I agree with these ideas re rank slides.

I’d also give cadet warrant officers the proper rank slides of the regular service (ACF cadet RSMs do fine and the “CADET” is obvious), and make all staff cadet rank slides bigger so the insignia isn’t squashed.

If we were to later adopt the new utility uniform (I’ve long thought cadets should permanently be in a practical uniform for all things, thus reducing the need for extra spend at private expense), we could even use “AIR CADET” mud guards and the ATC ensign on the left arm (assuming there is an official one).

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This is what the RAF Regt did for a while: they had Wedgwood blue / blue-grey slides with RAF REGIMENT embroidered in black and then a silver on blue rank slide slipped over that slide, above the text.

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Do we need Working blue dress? - I know this has been a uniform item for a lot of years however is it overkill? Could the working blue be dropped? Simply have wedgwood and ties (with jumper) and MTP. Yes its only 1 shirt per cadet but times that per cadet across the corps and it would be in the £100,000 mark worth of kit that realistically isn’t needed.

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Why not just MTP ? It’s practical for our uses and would save a lot of cash. Whilst also not seeing cadets spend lots on 3 rd party kit.


It would have to be a transition and imagine a lot of hurdles from breaking the “blues tradition” especially with parades etc MTP never looks good but right in saying it would be a big cost saver.

RAF are obsessed with us as the light blue footprint, if you switched us to MTP you wouldn’t see much blue at any Remembrance Parades for example.


What was the top choice from the survey? Assume not a ‘Cadety McCadetFace’ sort of situation?


RAFV was most voted for, as @Hercules suggested. This was ignored and we instead went for 5th most voted option. It was never really a deciding vote…

I personally think RAF AC and RAF Air Cadets were the best two options, but here we are.

Slight drift from the above topic but relevant to the topic

  • Inclusion has got a lot better, the fact that Aspire went to inclusion has made it easier to identify.

A quick win with it could be getting them all together as some are very focused on one area of the inclusion and don’t expand into other areas.

(edited because it formatted oddly!)


Does fairly well at treating staff like garbage.

My CFM only took 12 months so that’s better than 2 years.


I notice the latest RAF uniform IBN suggests that all RAFAC CFAV are eligible to be issued 3x MTP barrack shirts with accompanying MACA ‘corporate’ RAF formation flashes

Not a bad option in my opinion

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Good at making the reduction from 10 to 9 VGS seem like an increase


The draft HQ announcement with redactions was previously posted in another thread. I think that made the decision making process crystal clear!


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5 hours and 18 posts later……and still no suggestions as to what RAFAC is doing well :joy:

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For actual things we do well, see here: