What badges can i award as a CI?

I was wondering currently as a CI what courses etc can i do and then sign off and award badges for it to the cadets if even there is any?

Pretty much anything! As long as you go and do the correct course yourself to deliver it.

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But dont try to deliver everything… choose your niche and stick to it (for a couple of years)


Generally speaking, instructors instruct and the OC would award the badges on final parade, or a dignitary at a presentation evening, etc.

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I think the point might be more what are they “permitted” to sign off as achieved, although an actual presentation of an award may then be the OC’s job.

@rock, I would caveat anything with saying you should be speaking with your OC about what they want you to be delivering and signing off. You recently were offered the Trg Off role, so within that it would be between you and the OC to set the training programme, Trg Off would then work out and delegate topic areas/lessons appropriately.

Anything in the classification system you are ok to deliver as long as you are knowledgeable about the content. 1st Class is the only part of that you would sign off, as the rest is online exam - you could, however, have a check process to “sign off” a cadet as ready to take the exam for those higher levels.

There are no specific requirements other than “OC Approval” to assess any of the below that I can think of:

Blue DofE
Blue Leadership
Presentation Skills

To teach and assess Blue First Aid you need:
Activity First Aid or FAAW (+ EFA Instructor Course if insisted upon in your Wing) - WFAO may have a competency check or wish to see you deliver.

To teach and assess Bronze Fist Aid you need:
Activity First Aid or FAAW - WFAO may have a competency check or wish to see you deliver as part of another course first

To teach and assess Blue Radio there’s technically a course, although WRadO might just have a competency check - HOWEVER there’s little reason (on paper), if you’re comfortable and familiar with the requirements, you couldn’t deliver the content and bring in an authorised assessor to polish it off.

Those are generally the easiest to get yourself involved with at the start. But I will echo the “don’t try to do everything” message - especially don’t push yourself to get all of the qualifications and authorisations AND deliver in addition to any other planning and personal development/learning.

Pick something, learn it, deliver it. Get comfortable with that before moving on to something new. If you’re still scratching your head with associated admin or lesson planning, don’t add another area and increase the workload until you’re efficient at the first load.