What are the penalties if you break the rules? Like going on an event without an SMS application?

My OC failed to make an application for an event on SMS for a Friday to Sunday event. I blew the whistle and Wing rushed round getting a camping event approved in six hours with my RA’s that I did a month earlier rather than cancel it. I then said I had lost confidence in the OC and wanted out of the SQN. Ideally Id like to stay and they go but I feel Im being punished and there is a cover up if I get moved.

What are the penalties for not doing an SMS application for an event?
Should a whistle-blower be punished with a transfer?
Where are the SMS rules / penalties on SharePoint?

I’d ask why is the OC doing the SMS application if you are the planning officer?


No. But practically if the working relationship has broken down and no one else can take the OC role then one of you need to move.

As for punishment the answer is “it depends”. In this case it sound as though the problem was identified early rather than the OC knowingly taking the cadets on an activity without permission. Is there previous form? Previous administrative action? Genuine mistake, laziness or deliberate flouting of the rules

You do realise you or other staff could do the SMS application as you done the ground work to assist so all the OC has to do is approve it or not. If not approved activity cancelled or OC nudged 2 weeks before to get application done, my staff would nudge nag me(in a good way) if I got distracted

The OCs are accountable but it doesn’t mean other staff can’t be responsible. Whilst not condoning whistleblowing were other actions taken in advance to raise SMS earlier, was it an oversight or is your OC such a monster that he won’t respect other peoples input. At end of the day the OC can’t do the activity alone so other staff are empowered to say stop in advance.

Sounds like wing staff were helping the cadets get their camping activity not a cover up. So ss SMS was approved technically nothing to be punished for, however communication improvement needed, rather than 1 unfortunately event cause a dramatic transfer maybe sector commander could be used to arbitrate so you can all work together at same unit.

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Did the OC originally intend on running the activity without the SMS app?
Can you prove that?

If so, then you’ve got a good case for the higher ups.

I have heard an OC be relieved after taking cadets on an AT event without approval.

However that was a deliberate case. For an AT event the oc only had to tick the counter signing box - the rest done by staff including submitting the app to wing.

So question is did the CO run an high risk activity without approval of the event on SMS?

If they didn’t (even if you flagged it) then there is no breach & not really any action that can be done.

Pers 118 in ACP020 hold the procedures for dealing with misconduct and poor performance. I would consider not completing an SMS application and going ahead as misconduct at the very least. If you’re getting forced out or moved away for standing up to a rogue OC, that’s victimization and I’d be raising that to the Wing / Region CoC if I were you.

Yes deliberate, I was asking to see the application on SMS and was told its not on there as they only create hurdles. When questioned by wing said they forgot. I then passed across the email proving that it was a lie.

They were the planning officer, organiser, liason with public event, everything.

Deliberate. Would not have been identified if I had not contacted Wing.

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Strikes me as a blatant disregard for the core values and standards, and a poor leader for the cadets and staff to follow.

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Ok, that’s pretty damning.

Needs escalation until action.


But your risk assessment?

Its not 118 its now 208 and Im reading it, thanks. This is what Ive been looking for.

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Part of the event was camping, I did the camping leader course and did a risk assessment which I gave the OC a couple of months earlier. It was used in the end on their application for the event. There was a 492 incident which my OC refused to sign so I sent it in with a statement that I can no longer serve under them. My twelve years there have been fraught and many staff have left. I was an OC elsewhere for fifteen years previously and no permission then no-go. The OC is a control freak and has also amended my RSD’s and shooting applications. Also cancelled one because cadets didn’t have a WHT which I would have tested on the night before proceeding but OC refused to re-instate not believing I was the SME…

OP has provided further context and information indicating malicious / Ill-conceived intent. Regardless, if an event is being thrown together last minute and an individual is being victimized for whistleblowing, whether they are right or wrong that is still alleged misconduct and should be investigated to determine whether misconduct has occurred.

Yes just managed to see it so happily retracted last statement but will still advise go to WExO/Wg Cdr as speculating on here may not be as helpful as we would like, no one should feel like moving sqn fir being right. Only way is a proper impartial investigation even if different sector officer/wing have to get involved.

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Don’t believe that either.

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Well that is the only way it may get resolved without the whistle-blower feeling they have to move. Unless you have any other useful suggestions

Unless the individual has caused injury, been caught with their hand in the till or something related to children, trying punish them is pointless.
Being told to move should mean shut the door on the way out and go and find somewhere better to ply your trade. Qualified and experienced people who want to volunteer are rare.