So what else can we wear greens for…
Letter to all North Region from Fieldcraft SNCO
A.ACP 16 – Manual of Fieldcraft Training
B.AC/N/19/1/Trg, dated Jan 10
C.AC/N/19/1/Trg, dated 5 Aug 11
1.Chap 1 of Reference A states that Fieldcraft may only be taught by “an Authorised Instructor who knows the subject, and has the experience to teach and deliver it” (p.5). A higher level of governance was introduced by the Regional Commandant at References B and C to the effect that all personnel who wish to instruct Fieldcraft on Basic and/or Advanced Deployed Exercises (BDEs/ADEs) are to have successfully completed a Regional Fieldcraft Instructors’ Course. These Courses are held throughout the year by the Regional Fieldcraft Training Team, of which I am the Officer Commanding.
2.It has been brought to mine and the Regional Commandant’s notice that various rumours have been circulating through Wings of late regarding the future of these courses, and the necessity for potential Fieldcraft Instructors to complete them. I have therefore been ordered to make it clear to all personnel within the Region that henceforth all personnel who wish to instruct Fieldcraft external to the boundaries of their Squadron Headquarters are to have successfully completed a two-part Regional Fieldcraft Instructors’ Course and thereby be accredited as a Qualified Regional Fieldcraft Instructor (QRFI). The purpose of this course is to ensure that all personnel meet the same baseline standard in terms of knowledge and instructional ability. These courses will remain a permanent facet of Fieldcraft Training within North Region until orders to the contrary are given to me the RFO .
It has also been brought to the attention of the RFO and RATTO that some AT personnel are of the belief that you can run fieldcraft exercises within an AT application and not be found out (the answer to this is there Wrong!!). Fieldcraft has no direct path to AT and as such any ACO personnel running fieldcraft under the guise of AT will run the risk off disciplinary action. It also needs to be noted that greens (cs95) uniform is not to be worn on any AT activity this is corps policy and in line with ACO dress regulations
4.I remind all of the Regional Commandant’s statement at Reference B that the intention of this approach is to make Fieldcraft more exciting whilst binding it with governance and standardisation. Fieldcraft is in its infancy but is growing at a healthy rate, the future is very positive as fieldcraft evolves in the North and we only see this as an asset to the cadets future. Calling Notices for courses are sent-out prior to each Part One course, and include details of the course content and dates of future courses. In addition, the Team will be manning stands at the Regional Competitions Day on Sun 16 Jun 13, and will therefore be on-hand to demonstrate the skills that are taught and to discuss matters with any who are interested.
C James
Regional Fieldcraft Officer (North)
For and on the behalf of Regional Commandant (North)