Warrant officer gaining commission

It’s in ACP 20. Promotion to Flt Lt after 12 months if Sqn OC and attended SCC.

Can’t remember the PI, but there’s a flow chart in the CFC Commission section for all routes.


Annex A to ACP20 P201

Both FS and WO may be appointed to FgOff if successful at OASC, the only difference between each is that FS have to serve 2 years as FgOff before they can be considered for promotion, WO only have to serve 1 year. Unless either are filling in a established post.

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yes… done it myself

Apologies for resurrection of an old thread. Noticed recently a Facebook post about a WO who became commissioned but in the rank of APO. Why would that be if they can be made straight up to Flying Officer?

mmm that is strange, as others said its in the rules…

perhaps waiting for OIC? after which rather going from APO to PO they go straight into FO?

I know a FS in my wing who commissioned recently and went straight to Fg Off without doing OIC or any time as an Acting Pilot Officer.

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Should of gone straight in as Fg Off with no white tapes malarkey

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seems to be a big mix of what is what here, I had to do OIC which when I got to ATF was told this was not the course for me!!

Acp 20 is really clear…


Attend, and successfully pass the OASC selection board


Commissioned as Fg Off on 12 months’ probation


OIC to be completed during probationary period


Must serve 1 year before promotion to a higher rank can be considered. Higher rank only awarded if filling an established post


SCC to be completed within 6 months of taking up post

“Individuals are not permitted to participate in external activities during their probationary period unless a waiver has been granted
“External activities” are considered to be off-sqn activities where the probationary officer would be required to act as a fully-trained volunteer staff member and have responsibility for cadets, including overnight stays”

This is the bit that always confuses me - CIs and RAFAC NCOs have all already completed a probationary period and have carried out “External activities” in these roles - so why the exclusion here?
If the duty they are carrying out is the same as they were able to do in previous role should not be an issue - there are very few things that only a commissioned officer can do

Strikes me the only people this applies to are ex-regulars who have no experience of doing in RAFAC and ex staff cadets who have only done from the other side of the fence…

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…and all new staff. Whether they become a CI or direct entry Sgt, the same will apply to their probationary period.
The consideration is also that a brand new A/Sgt or APO, whilst they might have experience as a CI, has not yet been taught the ‘proper way’ to conduct themselves in their new rank and role, which is why it’s applied there too.

…and AP 1358C is also clear in bold text which says “All Officers within the RAFAC, who have not completed their OIC at ATF RAF Cranwell, must wear white rank slides and appropriate rank braid mounted onto the embroidered RAFAC slides when in uniform, prior to attending ATF.”

So, by rights, a WO to Fg Off commission should be wearing white Fg Off rank until they complete OIC.

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Ex staff cadets don’t have a probationary period

If they are CIs, they do for SNCO or Officer


Except that if you ask Training Academy (ATF) what to do, they say wear regular Fg Off tapes.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Transferring CFC between Cadet Forces

This does not surprise me.

Do white Fg Off sides even exist? Did anyone consider the need for them when setting up the procurement?

Nope… They get given the old school ones at ATF on day one

On my OIC the officers going straight into Fg Off were just wearing the normal tapes from the start, no white tabs.