There’s been some chatter on and off about Warhammer/other miniatures.
Thought I’d start a thread to share our models, swap paint tips, have some accountability for the grey pile of shame, and discuss the extended hobby (e.g. novels, games).
I’ll start with my first finished unit in 20 odd years, a unit of Blood Angels Infernus Marines, along with an almost finished Storm Speeder.
Cheers, the yellow is 4 different shades then blended with diluted yellow ink and highlighted with white. The shoulder pads are hand drawn, the central badge is painted onto a green stuff disc and glued on. This might show it better
I do like that there seems to be a lot more variation these days, when I used to play back in the day you rarely saw anything but the big 4 chapters and even within them it was always predictable. (I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Ultramarine in real life painted as anything but 1st and 2nd Company).
Finally sold my grey pile of shame last month. After 10 years of it not being looked at it wa time to go. Maybe one of boys will take it up one day and I can jump back in 25th ed (or wherever we are)
I notice Squads are smaller with the 5 models as standard being more the thing? I take it that devastators woukd just not have the 5 bolters they used to have and would be just the 4 heavy weapons and the sergeant (almost like the old Imperial Guard Heavy weapons squads).
I really want to get back involved, I just can’t justify the time and expense (nor do I have the space).
I don’t pay 40k anymore, it’s too full on, keeping up with the rules is more like a full time job!
I play Adeptus Titanicus, which is played at a much smaller scale, but with titans, I recently did a 5 round tournament, and my entire force was 6 models. The whole thing is much easier to keep a track of rules wise, and modelling wise there’s a huge amount of space between battle ready and very high quality, it’s easy to achieve battle ready if you just want that.