Teflon, I have to agree in regards to training. The RAFAC does seem to expect that we all know how to use SMS but there is no training “manual” on how to use the system or when, share point also, can’t ever hardly find what you need on there
Let’s not forget the Ultilearn courses that were made available prior to this most recent significant change - SMS Events / ACTO 10 / Cadet Portal
The original release was a long time ago and we should not hold how badly that may have been deployed against the current team.
I’m too young to remember the old ways pre SMS, but I find it pretty self intuitive, if stuck ask the Bader POC for help.
Seems to be updates getting released that arent working for everyone, I’m not getting any emails when I put my name down or withdraw
Usual email troubleshooting: check your spam filter, whitelist the source domain/address etc.
But what about the people that don’t know how to work ultilearn? There needs to be a training manual or even a days training for all software, this could be included on AVIP
completely agree, we are heading in the right direction, but aren’t there yet.
How was it easier? In both you fill in a form and attach relevant documents.
Any difference in the scope (eg block-booking) is down to policy, not IT.
Nothing in spam
You are supposed to be trained in things like Bader/Ultilearn by your OC/Training Officer before you get to your AVIP, it’s on the workbook.
However, it’s not standardised? It’s just going by other people’s experiences rather than 1 set process
The work book is the standardised process surely?
It was awful. Bader is actually one of the best things to happen the issue is when released it was just released with no support or training so you have a generation of staff that seem to distrust anything IT related.
It’s no secret that ultilearn is nearing the end of its life in the RAFAC . @james_elliott maybe a bit of feedback for the future e-learning team.
We need to have systems which are well-designed and with simple and intuitive UIs that precludes the requirement for people to waste a day on a course just to pick up the basics. A short video and/or small document can support this early learning.
More complex actions can be supported by walk-through videos that show people how to perform an action - useful for initial learning as well as for revision and available at the individual’s convenience.
I think we are going the right way about things at the moment but it could still be done a little better. Anything to stop James having to record all of the audio himself
Most of the past twenty posts have been related to the resident troll and this is the only comment that makes sense
(I am kidding for clarity)
You need to bear in mind that emails are sent from Government Notify to users email addresses - how the recipients email provider handles those emails is beyond our control. One of the things I am struggling to find out from people is precisely which email providers are causing issues i.e. I need to know if someone is not getting emails and they are using Google Mail or Micrsosoft Hotmail. We cannot ask Notify to investigate and resolve with the email providers unless we know which ones are causing the problems…
Have you looked into setting up DMARC reporting?
The big providers all support DMARC which will provide some indication of emails which are being delivered/spammed/blackholed, and whether there are issues with SPF / DKIM etc.
Im using G Mail, got the initial cadet portal email but no notification ones
Yeah that is a fair shout - I don’t know how it works with Notify but we will investigate
I have done some basic testing with Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo which are probably the top three and all are working absolutely fine - straight into the inbox as soon as the event status changes:
But what about AOL?