Volunteer Software Development Team - New Cadet Portal

Let’s be honest, if cadets are going to be hurt doing anything then it’s sport.


Who is the road marching officer? I thought that this post was up gor imminent advertising.

Twas advertised, twas ignored so the previous one came back from NEP and is doing the job again.

When was it advertised? I never saw it. Know a few who would have applied plus i heard from an RC that the RMO is currently vacant and will be advertised in August but is wasn’t. Now the NMROA looks like he is doing the job of the RMO.

End of last marching season and before this one. I remember seeing it.

I think the jobs are combined aren’t they?

You misspelled walking


Do you remember where?

Looks like you were mistaken
HQ RAFAC Road Marching Officer (RMO) Volunteer Vacancy - Advert

Fancy the job?

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I see ACF have started to release teasers of their version of this

Cadet Portal, presumably?



Not seen. Where is it?

Will also be available to all CCF sections (the Westminster version just announced via twitter).

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Any links available to twitter etc?

Ignore me, seen:

As you are hopefully aware, the new e-learning courses have been released and are available on Ultilearn right now.

See https://rafac.sharepoint.com/sites/BADERHub/SitePages/E-Learning-now-available.aspx for more information.

We have had some volunteer users come back with some problems accessing the courses and most of these issues appear to be them trying to use Internet Explorer 9/10/11 or worse, IE with popup blocking switched on. As such, we have published some advice at:


We are still on track for SMS v5 release on 25 Sep 19 and Cadet Portal beta starts on 9 Oct - see the updated timeline at:


So, full steam ahead!

There are people still using IE!!!??? :astonished:

My work does. Can’t get onto any of the BADER sites with it due to security certificate issues.

My work does too. I had to put a business case together as to why I need Chrome. It got bounced twice. Probably because my first one just said…

“I want chrome because it’s not 1996 any more”