Hello Acc’ers,
@james_elliott is currently taking care of some very important non-RAFAC life stuff , so while he’s out of pocket i’m going to be filling his boots. I’m one of the other members of the volunteer dev. team, with my main RAFAC role being OC 5 SATT. Until the beginning of this year I was OC of a large squadron in Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wing.
Firstly, thanks for all of your replies to our post showing off the video of where Cadet Portal (CP) was as of last Thursday; there are a lot of good observations, which I’ll try to address.
@Paracetamol - We don’t think it is quite so clear cut as that. In our most recent review, we think that a cadet should be able to change their alias/known as, as well as contact details (email, phone etc.) and occupation details without approval - this will help keep things up to date, and reduce burden on the volunteer keeping things up to date.
@themajor - Almost right - Our MVP constitution did contain the ability to update some info - we decided that the above was not too controversial
Maybe - we want to create a cadet cadre that are more aware of the opportunities our organisation offers them, but do recognise that those opportunities are sometimes rationed/limited. @themajor is correct, that our hope is that the popover text will provide sufficient info as to what the cadets needs to do to be eligible.
Good question, to which there are two answers. The MVP will allow for two types of activities - bid and non-bid. Take non-bid first, these are activities like remembrance parade where places are unlimited and we want cadets to signup. In these case the flow will be for cadets to say they want to go, and they are automatically added to the SMS nominal roll.
For bid activities, the cadet will say they are interested in attending, but it will be up to the OC (or somebody with the correct SMS role) to select them, reject their bid or make them a reserve.
Longer term, the permanent BADER guys will provide the opportunity to specify requirements that cadets must meet in order to be eligible to sign-up. Initial thoughts are min and/or max age at activity, min and/or max rank, min and/or max classification, must have/must not have qualification. Once in SMS, then we can reflect it in CP, although is is definitely not MVP.
First, the account details will be emailed from SMS to the cadet so OCs won’t necessarily be involved. Beyond that we genuinely believe that CP will reduce the burden on Sqn Staff, so hopefully the benefits will mean that use is encouraged. We don’t really want to go down the route of reporting log-in stats, but we could.
No - The approval workflow will be separate from offering events into CP.
Agree - I think the organisations expectations is that all events are in SMS, regardless of whether they need approval. CP might provide the driver of making the admin required to raise the event in SMS worth the effort of doing it.
Great idea. We are also working with the core BADER team to be able to provide an event flyer with a QR code allowing a cadet to scan the flyer and sign-up on their mobile device (queue comments about cadets and mobiles )
I’d counter with 1) You will be able to see who has signed up whilst not at the unit (and if you’re as forgetful as me, not having to go back to unit to take down the sign-up sheet is a win!). 2) For bid based activities, you will primarily care at the closing date
It’s unlikely that your unit would be invited to another units event, especially in another wing, that you weren’t expecting. But for those events you are invited to, you can choose to release to CP or not, and when you do you will be able to specify what level of support the squadron will be providing. So yes, if the squadron couldn’t take the cadet, but a parent was willing to do that drive, better that they had the choice?
Lot’s of people, including Command Board, have asked about having a “staff portal”. Our response is “you already do - SMS”. What needs to happen is for SMS to be changed to have an individual CFAV focus, as well as it’s existing squadron/unit admin focus. The BADER team are definitely on board with making these changes. Their focus now is on revamping the events section and then they may start looking at this.
The idea of staff courses is interesting, and it is certainly something that we can raise with the BADER team for consideration in the future. For the moment the focus is on cadet, and cadet events, but staff could be next (depending on priorities of other activities).
Hopefully that addresses the first tranche of questions for now - I’ll keep monitoring and will provide answers where I can.