Visit to 115 ATC 50 years later

In my web page I described my happy memories of my time with 115 Squadron ATC at Westwood, Peterborough, from 1954 to 1959.
I have been intending to revisit the squadron for several years but did not manage to get there until August 2012, when I took up the kind invitation from Steve Dalton, the CO, and Chairman Dave Ellis. I knew that the HQ was still on the site of the old RAF Peterborough, where we had been, but was not sure exactly where. The old airfield is now essentially new housing, but some station buildings still exist, including the Officers’ Mess, behind which was the armoury where we kept our .303 rifles! To my surprise I discovered that the new (brick) squadron HQ is almost exactly on the same spot as our old wooden hut. I was delighted to see the 2012 cadets parading just about where we did, 50 years ago.
I was keen to know about the Vampire (which I mention in my web page), and discovered that it had been moved from where it stood outside our hut to a place close to the main RAF entrance, closer to the main road and where it was vandalised and finally broken up. Dave later sent me a photo of it in its second resting place.
I was very pleased to be able to visit after so long and thank my hosts for their invitation. I hope to go back again, but do not intend to wait another 50 years.

Laurence Garey

I just read your website and noticed you took part in IACE to belgium, i wanted to say that i had the same priviage myself this summer, and troughly enjoyed the 2 weeks I spent there along with a wider mixture of nationalities than when you took part.