I probably need to invent a devil’s advocate emoji…
I totally agree that one of the purposes of RAFAC (and cadets generally) is to make better people, better citizens, better employees. That’s why DFES wanted CEP: they could see the benefits to children generally. (See the Northampton report, passim.)
But I do think that what we are seeing here is closer alignment with the RAF’s ASTRA transformation - don’t forget we are calling this ASTRA, too. This isn’t the place to debate RAF ASTRA, whatever you think of it - some of us will be keener than others. But if the RAF is going to get value for money from cadets, it needs to see us feed into that.
This isn’t about child soldiers, but it is about moving away from building Airfix models and towards skills that young people will need if they are to join the future RAF as the RAF currently sees itself.
Do you remember when “the light blue footprint” was return enough??? The gradual rollback and closure after closure of RAF station after RAF Station post-options for change - and the RAF were relieved that ACO (as was) just acted as ambassadors for the RAF in the community and kept the RAF in the thoughts of people around the country…
I do wonder if the drive for “Cyber, STEM, and Space” was not a demand from 22Group, but more an offer of “what can we do to justify our existence” from the TK end of things. We’ve also seen TK out engaging with industry with the same discussions about our “many young people with qualifications in Cyber and STEM and Space”.
I believe our selling points aren’t necessarily linked to Cyber, STEM and Space; they are the softer skills which we share with young people; teamwork, leadership, problem solving, creative thinking, operating “outside the box”, critical thinking, reflective practitioners, and doers etc. The things that are delivered through all the other activities we do - but don’t have BTECs, Cyberfirst or other labels to them. THOSE are the things that make candidates stand apart at selection days.
I fear with the push for VA changes and the “reprofiling around our priorities” the opportunities to do the things that DO matter and going to be diluted in favour of the things which make, in principle, good technical applicants for a very niche area of industry - rather than awesomer people with a range of skills spread across society.
Do cadets want to sit all the time in a class room being bored to death again same as schools. What about those who are educationally challenged, what’s in it for them or don’t the RAFAC want them in the organisation?
Whilst a cadet maybe uninterested in the ‘STEM/cyber activities they maybe outstanding in the fields or on mountains, teaching drill etc.
I refer you to the “death spiral’ thread I started.
Considering there are only two full time RAF stations and an RAF enclave on the west coast of the UK between Lands End and the northern Scottish Isles, the RAFAC fills a huge presence gap.
Fundamentally, this is the idea of people who don’t grasp the difference between hobby/entertainment, and a job that pays the mortgage/school they have to go to so their parents don’t go to prison.
Also it’s the behind the wire mentality, which I suspect TK when he leaves will find ‘challenging “ just because he’s said it, it doesn’t mean it will happen’. That will be a big culture shock to him, no KRs to fall back on.
Some of this may be down to Sqns / Wings. We don’t have to do too much in the classrooms - those we do in the classroom we make sure we don’t do in a “classroom” format (I think that is a big mistake that is made)
I think there is a want for Cyber, Space and MoI from the cadets - those courses will always have 12+ reserves, yet I’ll only just fill leadership courses.
We’ve increased in numbers and have a waiting list for our intakes.
I understand this isn’t the same for everywhere, but I also don’t think a lot of staff are willing to adjust and change how we’ve done training programs, how we teach things, actually talk to the middling aged cadets (we always talk to the older ones when the majority are 13-15) - absolutely they don’t want to listen to lectures and watch hours of PowerPoint but that’s not the same as classroom work.
As a cadet many years ago, a few core things like gliding, finishing off DofE, and walking away with a BTEC set me up better than many other kids.
To say nothing of the soft skills and generally having me fall in love with the military (even though I betrayed my kin).
All this focus on attainment means it’s very easy to either make it feel like an extension of school (or not, if your staff have the capacity to make it really engaging), or to court disappointment and frustration if you aren’t delivering badges.
Whereas back in the day you were a bit of a baller if you had a gliding badge, your lanyard and something other than a basic shooting badge.
Lets see. Team work, determination, resilience, being able to really challenge their body and mind, personal responsibility, working with other organisations & nationalities. I could go on.
We were allowed to go off on cross-county on our own, so after a short run, walk to a suitable viewing point (Isle of Wight), watch the ships go by for a while, run back to school to get a sweat on.
Change “willing” for “don’t know how to nor have time to”, and I agree completely.
It’s actually one thing I’m vaguely hopeful of through this training review. If (and it’s a big if) we get shiny new resources for everything next year that are well designed with easy to use and prepare lesson plans that are engaging and interactive, that could make a huge change.
Just got a selection of courses at work I can do:
Change Agility
Engaging People with Change
Leading in Ambiguity
Ed Talk: How Not to Change Things
Chnage Management: How to Make Change Land
Managing Reactions to Change
Anyone know how I can bulk add everyone at HQRAFAC to all the above???