Update to Heat Illness Policy

Odd, i just tried and it didn’t

Yep. Now it is. I tried 2 of the accounts (region and HQAC) and both said authentication failed.

the RHQSW one worked for me (eventually)

You can also find logins for various other MOD establishments on Defence Connect if these logins eventually break :joy:

Is there some plain english for WTF the page read out you get means?

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It’s just a graph? temp vs time/date. The Black line is the nominal, the the grey range showing the difference between with and without cloud cover, based on forecasted cloud.

On the link I gave with the logins, there’s instructions. Are you just looking at the map? You need to go to the burger menu, top left, then go to Station Products. Then go to the bottom of that list and go to WBGT. From there, you’ll get a list of locations. There are two forecasts per location.

No I have the graph, I’m just confused why they’re now the world’s best thing

Remember the old ‘ignorance is no defence’ rule.

So you travel 50+ miles take a reading and then sorry cadets were going home. Imagine the fall-out, comments and loss of morale for both cadets and staff.

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Yeah, not ideal. However I would argue that you do have to draw the line in the sand somewhere in terms of what is safe and what is not. The policy note ends with this:

All RAFAC activity is discretionary. There is no requirement for an activity that exceeds the Risk Assessment to go ahead.

And frankly, I can’t disagree with that. I may disagree with where the line in the sand is drawn, but at the end of the day if you get to an activity location and it’s too dangerous to run, then you have to RTU and deal with the fallout.


What little morale I had left got consumed reading that IBN…

I now have a morale deficit. And a headache.


Open a chilled beer or 6 and relax.

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Yeoman signal the Admiralty, tell them this is the day the Corp died.

So anticipating RAFAC lack of ability to foresee events, (seems they are the only ones who cant plan ahead, it is not as if summer has ever happened before) I have started doing RAs for earthquakes, volanic eruptions, alien landings and winter illness. I bet in December they will wake up look out the window, see its cold and panic that a cadet unit might dare to do an activity and remember that OCs lacj the ability to use common sense


like camping during winter . . . Scouts do it :astonished:


Looks a bit too dangerous for us!

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Do you have one for the rapture? I can’t find a template for this one…


I once again open the petition to change the corps motto from Venture Adventure to Softly Safely


Unventure adventure?

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