Up late

Interesting seeing which usernames are up this late.

Insomniac prize goes to…


I’m trying to clear my to do list before my week off next week so I can completely ignore my laptop and emails for the whole time.


It’s the lurkers that get me… same ol usernames. Never add to a conversation. Just lurk.


Up sorting some last minute bits and bobs before a trip away.

I’ve been known to lurk a bit, I only comment when I feel like I have something constructive to add.

hence, rarely.

I mean, I’m in UTC -5, so…

You should see the “up early” list…


And that’s just those that are registered. There are many who lurk who don’t have an account. I certainly was one of those for a long time before finally registering!

I need something to do during the middle of the night toilet time

I am often up late and I also lurk. I very rarely find anything on here which is within the area I’ve specialised myself into so I usually just stay quiet and watch it all go down around me.

I didn’t realise you got that old you had such a habit!

Bladder of a small child here