WEF 1 Feb 13…
[quote]P Letter 02-13 (1 Feb 13) wrote:
A. PI 601, Appointment of Service Instructors.
B. PI 501, Terms of Enrolment/Appointment and Conditions of Membership for ATC Cadets.
Service Instructors (SI) were established to bring current Service experience to the unit that they are assisting. Following a query about the status of cadet members of university cadet units it is to be noted that these personnel are ineligible to be appointed as a SI in the ACO.
A new paragraph will therefore be inserted in Reference A, as follows:
“4. Cadet members of university cadet units. Cadet members of a University Officer Training Corps Unit, University Royal Naval Unit and University Air Squadron are specifically excluded from being appointed as SIs. They may, however, continue as staff cadets on their ATC squadron until their 20th birthday when they can apply for Cadet Force Adult Volunteer (CFAV) service.”
Subsequent paragraphs will be re-numbered.
Where a cadet member of a university cadet unit has already been appointed as a Service Helper or Service Instructor prior to 1 Feb 13, they are permitted to re-join their ATC squadron as a staff cadet until their 20th birthday, in accordance with the provisions of Reference B, paragraph 2.
The point of contact at HQ ACO is SO3 Safeguarding
Question 1 - why would they be ineligible for appointment as an SI (from a regulations/legislation POV)?
Question 2 - why (yet again!) have we got an ACO policy which immediately contradicts both a JSP(814)and an AP(1919)?
[quote]JSP814 Policy & Regulations for MOD sponsored Cadet Forces wrote:
Chapter 5 – Eligibility & conditions of membership for cadets
5.1.3. Reserve Forces. Cadets cannot also serve simultaneously as adult members of a Reserve forces.
5.5.2. Termination. A cadet will cease to be a member of the CF in any of the following circumstances:
c. When joining the Armed Forces for full-time service.
d. When joining the Reserve Forces.
[quote]AP1919 Regulations for the Air Training Corps wrote:
Chapter 4 – Cadet membership
- Reserve Forces. An ATC cadet cannot also serve as an adult member of a Reserve Force.
So …since (for example) a “cadet” member of a University Air Squadron is either:
a. An attested RAFVR Officer Cadet
b. An RAFVR Acting Pilot Officer
c. An RAF Officer Cadet with a Bursary or Cadetship
…JSP814 and AP1919 are very clear - ATC cadets cannot be members of a Reserve Force, or a member of the Armed Forces (although JSP814 5.5.5© muddies the waters).
To make matters worse - PI501 is contradictory on the issue, and (again) contradicts JSP814 and AP1919…
[quote]PI501 Terms of appointment & conditions of service for ATC cadets wrote:
Membership of other organisations and cadet forces. Cadets are permitted to be members of more than one organisation (eg cadet force or University Air Squadron) at the same time, providing the commanding officers of the units are aware, agree and that this is not at the expense of young people on a waiting list.
Circumstances in which individuals cease to be cadet members of the ATC. An individual will cease to be a cadet member of the ATC in any of the following circumstances:
c. When joining the Armed Forces, or their Reserves or Auxiliaries.[/quote]
…this is a ridiculous situation. Any member of a University “cadet” unit is either a member of the Reserve Forces, or is a member of the regular Armed Forces, and IAW with JSP814 and AP1919 (which trump an HQAC P Letter) is therefore unable to serve as an ATC Staff Cadet - however - according to P Letter 02-13 they are also ineligible to become Service Instructors!
Sort this mess out please HQAC!!