Uniform and ironing

I was wondering if anyone could gove general tips on uniform, and i need to know how to iron it because i heard it burns easily. If anyone has any general tips it would help me out for my inspection!

Thankyou in advance x

A couple of simple tips that always helped me:

Iron uniform straight from the washing machine. Not soaking wet. A good spin cycle so they come out a little damp! The extra moisture helps steam.

Talking of steam, make sure your iron has a decent steam function and is filled up with water. And make sure said iron is clean!


Ive heard people say id need something imbetween like a pillowcase or something like that. Is it tru or just waffle

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Sometimes people use pillowcases - you can purchase special cloths to go inbetween your iron and uniform. This can prevent it from burning/shining the material.

An easy way to prevent this, however, is don’t have your iron on too hot. Personally, I don’t use anything like the above. You can get away with having no issues as long as you’re careful and take your time.

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I use a tea towel as an ironing cloth, but only for my No. 1s. You don’t need to worry about it with working dress, as long as you have the temperature and steam set right and keep the iron moving.

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i only use a ironing cloth thing on my female trousers (aka slacks) as they are made of a wooden material so burn/shine more easily, otherwise it’s unnecessary and you should be able to go without

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For shirts, especially Wedgewoods, turn the steam function of your iron off and use the sprayer instead. This way, if there are any bits of limescale etc within the iron, you won’t find out by having large, unwieldy marks over your uniform that are a pain to remove.

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There are a series of videos on the RAFAC Vimeo page that explain how to prep the various bits of uniform.

For example: How to iron trousers or slacks on Vimeo

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