UK armed forces' personal data accessed in hack

So basically summed as “we don’t know” if it affects CFAVs.

Also, my resignation has been in for a while. Why can I still access this? Good system security there…

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Not to mention licence costs. But offboarding always has been a problem across the public sector in general.

Most likely it’s not yet been processed on SMS/Units
Once you’re discharged on there it (should) get removed

It’s been about a month now.

Whilst it’s fine with me, imagine if someone left angrily and disgruntled. There’s a hell of a lot of personal info available on SharePoint, hidden away normally in Region and Wing folders - all of which appear to be accessible to all users.

If someone was really in a bad way when they left, it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of possibility for them to choose to share that information en masse with a malign actor, state or non-state.

The removal of access processes really need tightening up.

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You mean like when they had the whole weapons audit published on Sharepoint, accessible to all…

It should really happen when the form hits WHQ desk.

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Yep, all valid points

They have also had issues with Veterans ID cards… Pictures being deleted and the veteran needing to upload a new one…

Notwithstanding the Clarkson story, bank account security has moved on significantly since 2008 - most insist on 2FA of some kind for all account actions. It’s one of the reasons why phishing emails / texts & 'phone calls (had one yesterday about my compensation for a “traffic incident”) are increasing.

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Fair play to RAFAC comms, I had notification about this quicker than through my service CoC


I suspect someone heard the news either on the bbc news alert last night or this morning on the radio when waking up.

They’ve then banged head against wall, briefly considering calling in sick & then got up, got in, got the info then got it out to the CFAVs before the inboxes started filling up with queries or the phones started going off.

Again fair play to them :slight_smile:


I can log into Defence Gateway (at 1154) and see MyPay.

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Last couple of nights I’ve been watching Undeclared War on C4 on one screen and the news on the other. Getting hard to work out which is which!

As long as it isn’t one of our cadets trying to get their gold cyber badge :joy:


another example where the MOD treat us as service personnel rather than civilian volunteers?

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I suspect “service personnel only” is shorthand for those of us administered by JPA (civil servants have a separate HR and payroll system).

What time is the defense secretary making the statement?

Just checked parliament website - scheduled for 3:30pm

It appears the MoD is purchasing enough licenses for Equifax WebDetect for every person who might be effected. Unsure as yet how we can get access to this though as it requires access to things we don’t have access to as CFAVs

Yeah I was wondering that too

There is now an FAQ on SharePoint regarding accessing equifax linked from Corps announcements.

Edit: Not that I’ve worked out how to get the access code

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