UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron

Those cadets might have aged out though by the time we’re allowed to fly drones outside…

So how much are those posts going to cost and remember it will be devolved downwards to each Region and wing to have the same posts. Are there enough staff to implement this?

Is the CAA incompetent in defining how and regulate drones operations, in particular when I was in Costco they are freely available for purchase, just ask any dealer trying to access prisons with contraband.

Consider the RAFAC and by extension accept that CCA regulated airlines and pilots are allowed to move cadets from A to B.

Fixed for you

No they won’t. These posts are official roles that the CAA require organisations to have.
I fully expect we’ll end up with some region individuals/teams for delivery, but won’t have the same authority as these official post holders.

*Not an expert, just an idiot on the internet.

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Do the ACF, Scouts etc have these roles?


And if they do, how are we the last ones to get this sorted? And if they don’t, how come they all seem to have no issues with flying drones!


If that’s true, it’s because RAFAC have taken the decision to centralise control of drones and create a large bureaucratic structure around it. They’re duplicating the structure for AEF or VGS. The CAA guidance on registering an organisation as an operator just requires an ‘accountable manager’ not these 3 posts ( That could be any CFAV at Sqn level. Alternatively, we could have worked with the BMFA and used their club structure and insurance.

Either of those simpler approaches, which wouldn’t have required a 3 year ‘pause’ on activities, would have required trusting CFAVs at Sqn level though, which RAFAC doesn’t. Hence their overcomplicated, no activity, no risk approach.


Maybe these are good questions to ask in the Teams meeting.

You think there’s going to be any accountability in that?


You think there will be any questions in that?


Nailed it a year ago, I stand by this statement :star_struck:


No, but if we don’t ask why bother attending


Yes, you’ll be allowed to ask questions apparently

Dont they have to be submitted in advance? Obviously so they can avoid the difficult to answer/unpopular ones?

The message says you can, and you can ask on the day

Unpopular with whom? They should do a Slido to identify the questions everyone wants answered.


Tangent, but yes, you can submit questions via this link Microsoft Forms. you must be logged in to submit a question.

Not remotely anonymous then.

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nope, not at all

Edit, no sorry ignore me seems I was already signed in.