UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron

Who’s says we aren’t doing something similar ?

It may be an individual approval though.

Are you surprised.
Never forget that their combined avaition knowledge (even waaay up with the viking and tutir gods :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:) is derisable. They know very little civ policy it would seem.

And even less common sense.

I think this thread is heading towards personal insults

I am sure @Hercules is doing what they can having been dealt a difficult hand. And they’ve opted to post on here to offer what clarification they can.

Hopefully the policy will be out soon (and the ACF stop posting their drone videos!)


The truth is @Hercules is going to have an uphill battle to convince current CFAVs that anything will be simple when it comes to drone operations. Not their fault; comms have been poor on this topic up until now, and the suggestions have been for ridiculous rules that mean whilst the subject could technically be delivered, the rules around such delivery would essentially prevent it. As a side note, those people who have been around RAFAC for a while know that this is not exactly limited to drones.

Hercules - for your part, some of your comments here read as though they’re intended to be snarky. I understand you’ll be frustrated by reading things you feel are incorrect and that affect your area of responsibility, but do bear in mind that 99% of the people on this forum will be the people to deliver your area for you. That perceived snarkiness is currently directed as such people, who will ultimately determine how successful your programme is or isn’t.

The above said, it’s nice to have someone with some knowledge in the area actually come on here and share their insights - it’s better comms than any of us have received through official channels in a very long time. Perhaps that poor prior standard of official comms is what may have led to what you’ve described as the “conflation” of issues?

You’ve mentioned you’re new to the organisation and don’t know what’s happened before, which is understandable. For context, HQAC are generally utterly abysmal at communicating to the front-line CFAV body and any comms you undertake, especially through official channels, should start with this in mind - it’ll help you drive engagement.


Having seen some of the recent comms about huge issues. I’m frankly flabbergasted. But that’s changing here and hopefully some news soon.

If you could PM me any links of this, it would greatly help some challenges I’m having at the moment. Thanks.

Whilst none of you know me, you’ll probably be able to guess who I am in the next few weeks. I’m a straight talker who doesn’t waste time on rubbish or promises that are undeliverable. If that comes across as being “snarky” then it is what it is. I believe in taking everyone on the project journey and good comms is the only way to do that. Hence I’m using every avenue available, including here. So standby for written comms, explainer videos, and a Teams forum all in the next month or so.

I also have broad shoulders and the ability to listen. So if you think we’ve taken a wrong turn, call it out and tell us why. It’s best through official means but if you want to remain anonymous, on here does. I need to know what, and the details as to why, not just…”I don’t like that” or “we’ve never done it that way”. I promise you, everything gets discussed and reviewed.

We are trying to deliver a bold vision and the major barrier of funding has now been removed. The progress now is only limited by our capacity, so when regional support is needed, step up and let’s get on with it.


There’s a few posted on hereArmy & Sea Cadets Media teams smashing it again

Didn’t C&E region run a drone course for cadets back in April (or was that the pilot to test the syllabus)?

It was advertised as the first course to be delivered to cadets after a successful trail phase. It covered the Drone Code, programming and hand flying the drones.

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Thanks. Their media team is one of the exemptions I discussed. They have a small team trained to do this within their media cohort. It’s not broad organisational use.

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Interesting. I was told that course didn’t go ahead ?

Did anyone attend ?

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It did go ahead. My Sqn sent a few cadets.

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It’s not their media team per se - it’s just the thread where we put reports of what the other CFs are publicising.

Drones update from Comdt 2 FTS

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I am still really struggling to see how we are expected to manage third party RPAS operators at events we attend. If I’ve got cadets at some sort of show, and they have a fully qualified, competent and insured drone operator in to film the event, that will likely involved over flying crowds. I see no problem with this though? And why would I need to report it?


Interestingly (or entertainingly) . . . The drone we’ve been using at events like Cosford Airshow, RIAT and the Muster is “now” not allowed to be used by RAFAC . . . That’s good value for money then . . .

As part of our CAA approval, we must list the makes and models of drones that we are going to utilise.

Would love to see the look on the faces of police drone operators if a CFAV comes out with ‘L’m not permitting you to fly your drones above my cadets’. I wonder if the CFAV would be at risk of a charge of obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty.


If a 3rd party is operating a drone with the relevant approvals then it is outside our jurisdiction. All we can do is remove our personnel from the activity. Likely if it is an event such as a county fayre, then use of the drone will be in the t&cs for admission and/or volunteering there.

And it will be risk assessed by the organisers.

From direct experience outside of cadets there is also almost nothing the authorities can do about unauthorised drone use in any case (see the Gatwick drone incident - if there was even a drone there at all)

So if I show up near a local squadron on parade night and start flying a drone over it, does that mean everyone has to go home? :smiling_imp:

Your responsibility is for the safety of the cadets. RAFAC doesn’t allow direct overflight of staff. If you can’t mitigate this in some way. Then you remove yourself from the risk by leaving that area.

You report the mitigation or removal, this captured how often we are exposed to this and whether it is proportionate. No data, no lever for change.

Should does not equal must