Tutor Replacement?

I deleted my last comment as I wasn’t wanting to be too negative, but whoever wrote this I don’t think even bothered to look at the licensing, medical and maintenance requirements for your normal flying club… Which in some instances are above and beyond the minimum standard set out in this document - and then are deemed unfit? It doesn’t make sense.

I think the long and the short of it is they don’t want to allow it - they are happy to use any excuse even if it makes no sense, and that’s the end of the conversation.

I think that final comment sums it up - it is a matter of taste.

Well those not involved in 2FTS across the board seem in favour of scrapping the whole sordid thing and farming the flying out to local BGA and powered flying clubs.

I imagine 2FTS view ACTO 35 as the thin end of the wedge and so want to stop it at all costs, and damn the cadets.


Europa build light aircraft, a bit like the tutor…and the plane in the picture is upside down :thinking::thinking:

Didn’t see this at the time, but it is unfair to blame 2FTS for the loss of ACTO35. 2FTS tried a number of ways to revive the process without success.

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