Triple Soled Shoes with studs

[quote=“pEp” post=11119]Once again, back on topic or I’ll lock this.

This thread is for discussion of boots/shoes with studs. For sashes, canes/sticks or anything else, please start a new thread.


The thread has evolved to discuss the quirks of DI-ness, studded shoes being one of them. It’s right and logical for other quirks to also be considered within the bounds of the same discussion.

The idea that because a thread has moved away from the specific wording of it’s title therefore makes it ‘off-topic’, and that an off-topic thread must therefore be locked is an over reaction in my opinion.

It’s all within the bounds of related discussion.
This is why ACC exists is it not? To chat and discuss?

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=11134][quote=“pEp” post=11119]Once again, back on topic or I’ll lock this.

This thread is for discussion of boots/shoes with studs. For sashes, canes/sticks or anything else, please start a new thread.


The thread has evolved to discuss the quirks of DI-ness, studded shoes being one of them. It’s right and logical for other quirks to also be considered within the bounds of the same discussion.

The idea that because a thread has moved away from the specific wording of it’s title therefore makes it ‘off-topic’, and that an off-topic thread must therefore be locked is an over reaction in my opinion.

It’s all within the bounds of related discussion.
This is why ACC exists is it not? To chat and discuss?[/quote]

Now I’ve oft wondered this. In normal life conversations meander. If some tool jumped in abrubtly and said back on topic everytime that happened, nobody would talk at all! Conversations and by extensions threads evolve, thats what happens. OT in my opinion would be if someone started off on a tangent about baking cakes on this thread. In the long run heavy handed moderation does no forum any favours.

I await this posts deletion with bated breath :frowning:

I’m not going to delete it SVM.

Because at one point we were talking about who had bumped into people on film sets! If you can relate that to shoes then I agree, keep it open.

Another reason is to encourage more debate - not massively relevant here but when we go off on a tangent, people who hadn’t bothered looking the original thread might join in if we start a new topic on the tangent subject, as they might have more knowledge on the area.

Subjects going off-topic is one of the chief complaints people make about this site. Thread’s evolving create problems for people trying to jump into the topic later on and when indexing.

So I’m contemplating doing this, I have the shoes and taking them to the cobblers next week. I think I’m going for flat studs rather than clover leaf but other than that the same.

My question is about beeswaxing, I have done this before to a pair of ammo boots (very successful) and to DMS boots and shoes (less successful cracked due to soft soles). The leather of the shoes is very thin compared to ammo boots does this cause problems, I would assume it is less forgiving of mistakes?

How did yours turn out Merlin?

Had 2 pairs of shoes like this when an instructor at DIOT.

Only beeswaxed the toecaps, as the remainder of the shoe was still quite flexible even with the extra layers on the soles. Didn’t bother with studs, had “tipped” toes & “horseshoe” heels.


My question is about beeswaxing, I have done this before to a pair of ammo boots (very successful) and to DMS boots and shoes (less successful cracked due to soft soles). The leather of the shoes is very thin compared to ammo boots does this cause problems, I would assume it is less forgiving of mistakes?


OK, if you try this be careful as it can go disastrously wrong. Try putting a tiny drop (and I mean tiny!!) of paraffin with the beeswax. It normally helps to stiffen the leather a bit, but a little less comfortable.

[quote=“Racing Stick” post=12220]
OK, if you try this be careful as it can go disastrously wrong. Try putting a tiny drop (and I mean tiny!!) of paraffin with the beeswax. It normally helps to stiffen the leather a bit, but a little less comfortable.[/quote]

Not sure what you mean here, is this instead of burning it in?

No, as you are burning it in put drops of paraffin into the beeswax itself.