Treating People Fairly

I don’t see how that’s on topic.

Harvey Weinstein. Historic sexual assault allegations.

It’s all related.

Righttttt. Would you like your tin foil hat now or later?


I could explain why I am where I am on this.

Just another angle.

You have to have all the ingredients to make the right cake.

Can’t make a good cake without using all ingredients.

And yet you choose not to but to post cryptic messages. Whatever floats your boat.

I didn’t realise Eric Cantona was on the forums. Seagulls and trawler next?

Let’s get back on topic shall we?

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He has his own prerogative. Could have been a personal situation he didn’t feel like broadcasting on a public forum.

Which is fine. But don’t say it then not tell anyone about it. Either tell us or don’t post, otherwise it’s little more than trolling.

Maybe he’s coming to terms with it and wanting to word it properly and feel good about sharing it, you can’t push these things.

Some people would have said the same about waiting over a decade to report sexual assault.

(If, and its a big if) You do have all the right ingredients, you haven’t necessarily used them in the right order…

Now you’re just being silly.

One of the supposedly iron clad cases against Rolf Harris has been overturned and I would lay money they’ll come back for the others. However just one being overturned shows the shoddiness of the convictions based on making his name public and waiting for people coming forward.

I see Sylvester Stallone has been alleged to have done something in 1986. I wonder how people are supposed to answer cases from so long ago and defend themselves, unless they can prove they were nowhere near the place? How many of us can remember what we had for breakfast on any day unless it was either memorable or you have always exactly the same thing.

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He tried to get them all overturned and the others were upheld as being safe.

So far.

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And a witness statement is the weakest form of evidence.

Facts not feelings. The burden of truth is on the accuser. We have a justice system for a reason.

Has everyone forgotten the story of the boy who cried wolf.

Sorry, I assumed their gender. Has everyone forgotten the story of the non-stereotypical gendered, binary person of which we dont know their preferred pronoun that cried wolf?

The movie Cobra


Now we have Aled Jones who allegedly did something 10 years ago which doesn’t seem to have been any more than some “messages” and admits that his behaviour could be a bit juvenile. Well there go all of us.
You would have to be thinking if you’re a bloke who has any degree of fame or celebrity, did I say or do something back in the never never that could now be construed as “inappropriate” and will I be making the news.
I don’t seem to have seen too many men getting antsi about something women said or did. I’ve swapped some quite interesting banter with women over the years, where it’s been them initiating it and it would be a pretty safe bet that a lot of men have experienced the same. But men in general don’t get overly precious and see it and take it for what it is, regardless of any changes in society’s acceptance.

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I have been in appropriately touched by females on nights out, usually by hen parties or when wearing a kilt.
Funny how it’s acceptable when they do it. Could I make a historical claim of that one time Mrs X got handsy with my Sporran?