So with the RAF/MoD increasing their Home To Duty and Get You Home allowances, do you think ours will increase too?
What new policy is that screenshot from?
I don’t think they have the power to set it independently, so it must do.
The AFPRB - Armed Forces Pay Review Body, recently released.
Leaves us essentially with a 5.75% pay cut…
But considering I’ve been on a pay freeze for coming up to three years… I’ll take it.
So an uplift from £0.25 per mile to £0.2675 per mile, that is going to really confuse some of those who appear to have difficulties with 40 miles or 100 miles at 0.25, this will be fun.
Surely it will be rounded to 27p per mile?
What a difference that will make…
Going to tell Mrs P, that ‘tonight we will dine like kings’!
You can only claim the tax on the difference, not the different itself, so you can claim back the tax on 20p per mile = 6p per mile.
Hi i volunteer at air cadets at RAF Coningsby how do you clam your home to unit travel expenses.
Speak to your adjutant and they’ll help you. It’s all in ACP300 the financial publication.