Travel Allowances

Does anyone have up to date information as to how much you can claim for travel. One of my CI’s is asking and I said I would ask if anyone had or knows where I can get this information from? eg how much per mile, how much for first cadet and subsequent ones.

Many thanks.

25p/mile standard rate. 3p/mile for the first passenger and 2p/mile there after :slightly_smiling_face:

If it’s home to duty (parade nights) then 6 miles are taken off the round trip as a ‘voluntary contribution’.

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Thank you so much. I thought it was but then someone said they thought first cadet had gone up so confused me!!

Do you know if there are any plans to raise this at all due to rising cost of fuel?


So at the moment the CFAV is out of pocket considering present fuel prices. How is that going to impact activities?

There are no plans to raise it, which is getting a bit insulting really. Someone asked on VoV recently, and the answer was essentially ‘we don’t set the amount, and it’s not going to change’.

Yes, a lot will be out of pocket now. And worse off, those who can’t afford newer, more efficient cars, will be hit hardest.


Always was the case - I think I saw someone on VoV asking about rates changing, but it is centrally set by MoD.

You can claim the difference between HMRC rate and MoD rate through your online Tax Account though.

Admin of course, but pretty straight forward in the grand scheme

Yes think we are going to be affected by this. Someone already queried it? Shame really.

You can’t claim the difference. You can claim tax relief on the difference - it’s an important point as you won’t get the 20ppm difference back at all.

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You are correct to correct me, I used the wrong term. Thank you.


Allowances as reviewed on 1 Jan 22

Reviewed when diesel was <150p/L. Now we’re over 200p/L!

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Petrol came down 2p yesterday at my local station.

NB the rate has not been adjusted for over 10 years

That was nice of them - dropped 10p wholesale.


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And the last time it was adjusted, it went down, not up. (Our so I’ve been told it used to be more than 25p)

It was previously, like VED used to be, based on engine size, upto 1800cc was 45p and >1800 was 60p but that was upto 4000 miles, over that it was 25p for both groups iirc. RAFAC has paid 25p for over 20 years.

I believe, although I have never done this, can you still claim for equipment that you have to transport?

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I was going to say, I don’t remember it being different from 25p and I’ve been around as uniformed staff for 16 odd years.

Thank you everyone, much appreciated.


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I remember it being something like 32 or 35PPM and 2p for the first and a penny per person after that

My second job pays 65p per mile… If only I drove.