Training weekends

Hello all,

Have an upcoming training weekend which I will be using to concentrate on First Class.

I’ve run up a basic programme, but if anyone has any materials or programmes etc I could have a shufty at for ideas, Id be really grateful.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Addendum, I’m thinking of a “theory of drill” lesson, any thoughts/ideas/suggestions ?

I’m making the assumption you’ve access to the the First Class Presentations on Ultilearn? They’re a good starting point, but could do with some alterations to make more relevant to you Sqn (I’m thinking specifically of the Structure of the ATC one).

I’ve often considered a First Class Trg weekend; I have seen it done at Wing level successfully and think it is a great idea! I’d be interested to hear your feedback after the event.

As for theory of drill, my personal opinion is that for a First Class level cadet, it’s not too relevant. Obviously they need to know the reasons behind drill and how it is used by the organisation, but their main focus and concern (bearing in mind this will be an already ‘academic-heavy’ weekend for them), is learning how to carry out the commands after receiving an order. Much of the theory behind drill, I believe, would be superfluous at this level of training.

Good point on the drill theory, here’s what I have so far. We have a decent facility with lots of space to do both theory and practical lessons.

First class training programme
0900 arrive and sign in
0930- 1100 Radio comms theory (main lecture room , greens)
1100-1115 break
11300-1230 Radio comms practical ex (bottom field)
1300-1400 lunch
1400-1500 IET theory (main lecture room, greens)
1500-1630 IET practical (Bottom field, greens) (tent comp, rucksack packing, field cooking)
1630-1645 break
1645-1715 completion of first class books
1715-1830 Sports (outside, sports kit) (to include archery)
1830 Leadership tasks/Free time
0800-0900 breakfast
0900-1030 HoF theory, DVD and completion of books (main lecture room, Blues)
1030-1100 Drill videos and QnA (main lecture room, blues)
1100-1115 break
1115 -1230 sports, (outside, sports kit)
1230-1300 lunch
1300-1400 Drill session (outside, blues) (marking session for first class)
1400 Final parade, (outside, blues)
1430 clean up and depart

Lucky work is boring today :slight_smile:

Just a quick 2p comment - How about IET in sports kit so as to reinforce the no DPM for AT rule?

I may be missing something, but I think that no DPM for AT is primarily an expedition rule.

I can’t see an issue with on-squadron training being carried out in DPMs, and I’d imagine that in the event of slightly inclement weather they’d be rather more suitable than sports kit.

I would suggest ditching the HoF and concentrate on some of the more practical elements such as mapwork, IET, radio and leadership or first aid that can prove awkward on parade night, especially in the winter months. Unless you’ve got access to a decent indoor venue ditch the sports. This then fixes the dress away from greens and makes it a more relaxed affair.

I would suggest a short navex 2-4 miles (this gets cadets into the notion of route planning) planned on Saturday evening and walked Sunday AM. This with some parade night sessions beforehand will complete or largely complete the IET, map and radio elements.

What sort of numbers would you anticipate? To make it worthwhile invite 1 or 2 local squadrons, I can’t see them complainiing.

You don’t say but I would invite cadets who are being considered for promotion (not NCOs) to act as group leaders and take on the NCO role, just to see how they perform without NCOs around.