Does anyone know how I can tell which Brigade to contact for a TOPL application? Is there a map anywhere showing the boundaries?
Specifically I need to know which Brigade covers RAF Linton-on-Ouse, if anyone knows the answer just to that.
Any help appreciated, thanks.
its 7(Inf) Bde at Chetwynd Barracks in Chilwell - i think the group you’re looking for within the HQ formation is HQ East.
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There is no helpful bounday map that I can find - that would be too easy… I’ve been looking for exactly the same thing!
There isn’t a clear boundary but a look though JSP907 may give you an idea as it’s managed though the same areas.
I have found an out of date guide that used in conjunction with jsp 907 could be fruitful.
For Linton-on-ouse I guess at 4th infth as they cover the north east of England.