Time to change the cadet promise and move with the times

I’m not sure what “changes” you’re waiting for ArshamMG?

The Cadet Promise was changed 5 years ago and since then we should be offering all cadets the option of saying “god” or not during enrollment.
In that time I can count the number of cadets who’ve chosen the religious version on one hand.

Frankly, I think it’s time that we remove the “choice” and just make the non-religious option the standard.

If an individual wants to think about their own, personal, duty to their God then that is there right; But do we as an organisation really need to provide the opportunity, the “opt-out”, or sadly in some cases still, the expectation, for every cadet to say it out loud as part of their enrollment into to this, a completely non-religious organisation?

the change to this

I didn’t actually say it at all. We don’t seem big on the enrolment ceremony thing.

We don’t do proper ‘enrolments’ on our squadron

Same on mine.It used to be a big thing many years ago but not anymore.

I know of… one squadron that does the whole song and dance. “First time in uniform” and whatnot.

Ours get their uniform when we feel they’re committed. Usually about 8 weeks

I was enrolled in a sleeping bag in the Squadron hall, we were on a FT weekend and the boss had forgotten to enrol us beforehand. He barged in, threw 3822s at us and we repeated the promise from our pits.
(IIRC it was the Friday of Children in Need and Queen’s We Are The Champions was being sung by a celebrity ensemble…)

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