The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

You’re right, there will be many factors. That doesn’t excuse not explaining the decision properly though. We can’t know/understand because we haven’t been told. That doesn’t mean that CFAVs wouldn’t understand. This is a failure of leadership from not communicating properly.


I think THEIR thinking is that complaints & incident reports create workload across CS desks and means from THEIR perspective the easiest solution is to stop activity which will cut the opportunity for any complaints / incident reprots. (Stress on the their… not my thoughts)

But then what happens on September the 1st when we apparently all start again, they have no more staff and now more disgruntled people.

There is no exit strategy, no communication, no thought or planning, no consideration, no care, no empathy and no foresight.

It’s why it doesn’t make sense. Sure, stopping activity now will allow you a bit of time to catch up but only until you start again. We’ll be forever in this loop of stopping to allow paid staff to catch up.


They clearly didn’t factor in the complaints coming as a result of the stop :face_with_peeking_eye:
If I was an OC in SW today I’d be directing parents to Wing/Region…


Yep. Email to all parents and carers explaining what is happening and where to send a complaint to. Followed by a complaint of my own.

I am very glad not to be in SW right now and feel bad for those CFAVs who have put time and effort into organising things to do over the next couple of months that will now have to be cancelled. That’s wasted CFAV time.

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The SW ARC being sacked wouldn’t help the workload! The SW RC is so risk adverse, the easiest way for her to enjoy the summer is not having to worry about Cadet business and explaining or justifying anything peculiar to TK who is well and truly on the wind down.

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Does it stop becoming a hobby when every decision is depressing? Asking for a friend


Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of people give a lot of other people flak for complaining about things like pay, or conditions, on the basis that the reason we do it is “for the kids.”

I didn’t do it ‘for the kids’, I did this because it was fun, and I enjoyed it, and I could use that enjoyment to help the kids in the way that I was helped as a kid by this organisation.

It’s not fun anymore, I took a year out, and did not miss it. Nor did my Squadron, or my wing, do a single activity in that time that I was upset about missing, or jealous that I couldn’t attend. I said ot before, the organisation I missed while I was off, does not exist anymore.

I don’t know if the SCC will be better, but I do know that it will be different, and I won’t be comparing it to how it was ‘in the good old days’ because I wasn’t in it whenever those were.

All I do know is that for the first time in ages, I’m actually excited about going to cadets, I’m nervous, and I’m scared I am making a mistake, but I think I’ve got to give it a shot.


Unfortunately, this just shows the state the organisation is currently in. I have cadets leaving left, right and centre because they are bored! We can offer them the fun things as we dont have the qualified CFAV.

Wing will not support us and seem to have an excuse as to why they cant pull their finger out to support units like ours in a similar predicament and then we have RHQ who have now decided that a full stop is critical for the safety of everyone but we arent doing anything within the Wing so who the heck is being protected???

I honestly do not know how much more I can take, this has gone beyond a joke and no a single person in the CoC could give a hoot about the impact, all these ridiculous decisions are having on CFAV and their Cadets.

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Good luck and I hope you enjoy yourself. The RAFACs loss, the SCCs gain.

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Great to see that Region had a well thought out, costed and defined plan!!! Now where’s that brewery to see if they can organise a p!ss up :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::rage::rage:

Ok so rather than ban everything why not ban anything that creates work for the Region?

Call ot a SW-CACE if you will. Does you activity require any of the below listed resource:

If yes to any of these items you cannot proceed.

I’m lodt how a self sufficient event be that a trek from the Squadron building in a 10 mile loop, a visit to the local air show/museum using SOV, or running a weekend air rifle/first aid course/ or similar event on Squadron creates workload for Region. It doesn’t require work for Wing (with the exception of AT/shooting requiring Wg SME sign off whixh is likely already done given we plan weeks in advance)

So I’m still questioning:

As it makes no impact on Rgns workload


If they’re the reasons, I’m still not entirely sure why they couldn’t have set an activity block up for Oct-Dec and told everyone things like complaints etc would be completed on a much slower timeframe.

Again, a perfect example of why explaining the wider rationale is important. Anticipate the questions…

is there (a bit like FOI) an expected time frame for complaints etc to be dealt with? eg to be actioned within X X days

And anyway, how many blooming complaints can Rgn be dealing with? Other than those received commenting on their own incompetence are there really than many complaints from CFAVs, Cadets and Cadet Parents that there is now a “backlog”?

Its worth pointing out that ACTO 10 sections 3 and 17 speak of how the ACTO empowers Sqn OC to approve low level events without the need for input from wing and Region. So what has changed in SW Region which means that ACTO 10 can’t be adhered to?


Good news. The ban has come been approved by both the commandant and AOC 22 group.

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Lets start a sweepstake of the next region to do a ‘Pause’ now SW has set the precedent.

I’m going with W&W.


I think North and LaSER are fairly safe. I’m going to go S&NI…

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Approve not assure… I think that’s the issue they are sighting, while activities happen should there be issues they don’t have the staff capable to mop up the mess after and therefore are not suitably assuring activities are happening properly.

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