Thank you & its time for me to sign off

Dear all,

I just wanted to say thank you to all the staff and cadets on here who’ve given me (& my cadet) advice over the last couple of years.
They have grown so much during their time in Cadets and have got so much out of it.
They’ve resigned now, having achieved 2 DofE awards and some great badges. Their confidence has grown, but the demands on their time was becoming too great to continue.
I am just delighted to know that they got the chance to take part and will now focus on their next goals better equipped for whatever life throws at them.
Wishing you all well and thank you all so much for giving you time and dedication to such a great organisation.


Best wishes to you both for the future and hope they achieve what they’re looking for, exams and beyond.


@admins please could you close my account?

Many thanks