This might sound like a fairly basic question to most of you but having not long joined as CI and trying to organise the admin side of our squadron, it’s one that keeps cropping up and some things that I’m being told just don’t make sense to me at the moment.
Who completes the TG21/23 (if needed) - is it only Cadets?
Who completes the TG22/23 (if needed) - is it only for Staff attending the activity?
Are the TG21/23 forms needed for AEF in addition to the AV Med1 Forms and 3822 book?
Might the requirements for each form vary depending on which WHQ oversees it?
Is there any ACP that explains all this that I can refer to??!
TG21 is the CADET consent form and is just for cadets of all ages
TG22 is the ADULT consent form and is just for staff
TG23 is the Health Declaration form and is for cadets or staff who require them due to some declared medical condition
I only take AV1 forms to flying - I don’t ask for TG forms for a simple day trip, though opinion on that seems to be divided on that depending on which squadron, wing or region is asked. Our AEF certainly doesn’t want a TG form.
The question of consent and medical forms is one of the biggest admin burdens put upon our personnel!
Just one other question - do you ask cadets/staff to complete a nil return, signed TG23 even if there are no declared medical conditions on the TG21/TG22?
For AEF you will need a completed Av Med Form 1 (currently V1.02) and 3822. You will need a completed 6424 if the cadet has any medical issues which needs signing off by the CFMO at Cranwell. These do take some time to get so best to make allowances for the time period.
Av med forms are valid for 3 months, 6424’s are valid for 2 years.
AEF’s do not require the TG forms.
Please note that the Av med form is a ‘TICK THE CORRECT RESPONSE’ box. The amount of pregnant male cadets that have been declared on the forms is ridiculous. Its surprising how many staff don’t check the forms prior to them arriving at the AEF’s.
Also, the minimum age for AEF still remains at 13yrs 3 months even though the Corps recruits at 12.