Teaching some cadets first class stuff?

I am new to the RAFAC as a CI

This week we are low on numbers of staff so I have been asked to teach some cadets some first class stuff

Now, when I was a cadet, the first class stuff was an summative exam. Now it’s a log book.

The problem is, I assume most cadets will be all at different stages of completing their (due to progress and attendance etc)

Any ideas what you can do with them that might keep them all engaged to a point

In my experience, cadets copy and paste the answers. First class booklet is not fit for purpose. Many instructors don’t know the subject matter.

Nor do I yet.

I am planning to get them to tell me the information… Might help to see if any info stuck with them

This is where intakes really work because they can go through it together and then you can do a catch up at the end.

I would work through the book yourself first (ideal someone would teach you) because you can highlight then what you can teach in what way.

We don’t use the power point for it and design lessons to be practical and group work based where possible, and they fill in the book as we go. All books stay on Sqn we don’t let them take them home.

There’s a lot of resources people don’t realise in the training portal - forms to help with the practical sign off, games for map reading etc

If I had a group which are completely mixed I would go down the group work way. Tonight I want you to make posters, one group will do say effects of heat, the other effects of cold. Get them to present back to each other, and then conclude the lesson by getting them to check they have those answers in the book.

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The problem is that you’re having to assume, unfortunately.

How comfortable are you with any of the material?

Erm… Not great :smiley:

Will do a bit of reading. But I don’t plan to give them knowledge, but set them research tasks etc

Is the training portal on SharePoint?
