Teacher CI/SNCO

Only for those joining, thank god not those already in :roll_eyes:

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Wasn’t it optional but encouraged

What that just because you are fit doesn’t make you thin?

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I’m a fat lump and can run a half marathon… Just about and with an ambulance on standby


Having had 3 teachers all in uniform on sqns over the years, I would advise doing 2 years at least as CI to gauge what you can do over the school year. Two of the teachers I had as staff went on to management and the requirements to support school events and getting caught up with things that happened, affected the times they could get to the sqn and activities. One of them was head of year and their subject, Christ knows how they found the time to do anything else except eat and sleep at certain times of the year baffled me.

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That is one of the advantages of the CCF - because CFAV duties are effectively part of the job, it’s sometimes easier to combine with teaching than being a CFAV in a community cadet unit.

Sometimes - some school managements are bafflingly unsupportive of their CCFs, sadly.

It’s a trap. Run now whilst you can!!!

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