CCF is a little complicated because if your region is now pillars CCFs are no longer linked to wings.
It’s kinda Region (formally test area) then dotted thick line to school then section but then dotted lines from the contingent across to joint cadet council (does this still exist?) with other dotted lines of head of extra circular through head to school governors….
There is an MOU with each school but whilst they are broadly the same they are a little different.
Or let ATC cap badges go the same way as ATC silver buttons and switch them out for RAF ones. It would resolve quality control and supply issues, create stronger links with the parent service, match the stable belts and buttons already being worn, etc.
You said yourself that they, don’t properly fall under wings if pillars are in place, and Headmasters and MOUs (whatever that means) mean they don’t fall nicely into the CoC
Memorandum of understanding - it’s an agreement between the MoD & the school on how the contingent & sections are to be run, who’s responsible for what & where the authority lies.
So where a Sqn will have a Sqn warrant (an approval document) CCF will have an MoU which is more of a loose contract.
I’m sure one of our learned friends can clear this up, but I was recently told it’s only an MoU if it’s between different countries and orgs within HMG have SLAs instead.
Just to add, and propose a talking point, should Wings and/or Region become RAFAC formations instead on ATC formations if the CCF sections come under them?
Currently Wings are ATC formations. Sussex Wing ATC for example, not Sussex Wing RAFAC. This is easy to see as most Wing badges will say ATC:
However, regions I’m not so sure about anymore. I had always thought they were ATC formations. Certainly when it’s taught in first class they are part of the ATC. But, C&E recently got a new badge which says Central and East RAF air Cadets.
So are they no longer ATC entities?
Many of the other regions say ATC in their badge. I honestly think C&E may have screwed up a bit putting RAFAC in their badge…