Table for Ap818


Does anyone have a copy of the table from AP818 that is suggested in ACP 048?

(This is what I mean)


No such table exists as described in AP818. Your screenshot is suggesting that you, and your fellow NCOs, go and create a table.

I am assuming this is essentially to get you to do a bit of self study. You’ve got to look through AP818 (which should be available on CP) and then extrapolate the information on the various lessons for each move.

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Was kinda asking if anyone had an example of what they’re made to see what they put

Thats cheating.

The aim of that task is to learn by doing


That would defeat the purpose of the task! But as an example, something like this?

(I am a non drill type, so someone correct me if that is not what this task is looking for!)

Ill make a SNCO out of you onr day,

Yeah thats exactly what the task is asking

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Just be careful with ACP 48 as my OC TEST told me that me that it was many decades out of date & should be considered obsolete & that was 1996

It’s best nowadays to treat as a general guideline that your grandad used when they were in the cadets.

Just today I found my old copy in the loft… from 1996.

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