Sy training

I am looking for the SY training for staff as well as cadets. Is it on Ultilearn or is it just what is on SharePoint?


Where on Ultilearn? We’ve been looking and cannot find it. Checked the Bulk Register and Explore Register but to no avail.,

Should be here!

Thank you MVL. Is there an equivalent cadet entry as referenced in the new First Class books

This one…?

Ahh yes, its been put on Utilearn so its easy to find and easily accessibly to all! :-/

Now I wouldent be so synicle to this training if it had been issued as a brief to be given to all Cdts and Staff by a suitable Staff member then record on SMS as a General Qual like Climatic Injuries - not the CI on Utilearn approach to this.

Yet another mandatory hoop to jump through for those of us doing the job to get Cdts out doing activities when we already have a full time civie job as it is :-/

Thanks for that Moist, I couldn’t find the blighter neither.

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Very disappointed that the following wasn’t a question: