For decades now, the South West Region has participanted in the annual Ten Tors challenge. Last year it all kicked off about Climatic Injuries policy…those that know, know. Consequently this year the RAFAC participation is in question. The Army seem not to be following MOD policy hence RAFAC are in a predicament. Any news or thoughts!?
Lots of training up on SMS.
I know, but no firm decision if we will be in the event. It will be so unfair if the Cadets are doing (and paying) the training if the RAFAC does not participate. Team payment is due today…anyone in the AT management know the status?? @Cab as rumours are its a discussion at RAF and Army 2*.
Anyone want to put money on it?
The most risk averse, chaotic (creatively chaotic, in pursuit of the risk averse?) RHQ, pulling it’s finger out to find a solution that gets kids out on the hill?
At this point, I wouldn’t take the bet.
You mean the policy not designed for under 18s that no other youth organisation or school would even recognise?
The same policy that 22gp investigators said wouldn’t be defendable in a coroner’s court.
Like Wings doing road marching on the slimmest hope of taking a team to Nijmegen
It depends on how it’s sold. These Cadets are still being told they are training for the event, still paying for the training weekends, upgrading their kit, sacrificing a potential place in a school team.
If it goes ahead thats absolutely great!! But if the RAFAC pull out then that is of great dis-service for them and some deceitful dishonesty.
The event deadline for payment was yesterday (31st) has any RAFAC team paid the entry fee??
DWW have a 35 and 45 mile team going.
Going, confirmed, committed? Or hoping to participate that is the question…
They seem pretty committed to going.
Although i couldnt care less, i get bored after about 4 steps
Take your stick and pace it out
Or, with pace stick in one hand, counting options are limited to no more than 5 with t’other hand?
I could pace out with open stick for the entire 45 miles
So far in PCW things seem… positive? Last I heard directly there was supposed to be an answer before payment was due at the end of January, but whether or not that happened was a different question.
Besides the expected and reasonable frustration from staff at the lack of support, i haven’t heard anything negative. Theres a lot of buy in for Ten Tors around the wing and it would be a shame for the to be ended because SLT cant trust the army to continue to be safe.
I was genuinely about to suggest such a thing as a charity event.
Maybe not the 45 mile route though…
At £210 per team entry, surely a decision has been made before the entry fee is/was due…or that’s a gross waste of money!! Not to mention the CACE for all the staff, MT, ration, accommodation in the build up of supporting the training…for what…?
Being positive is great but what you want and what you get may be two very different things!
Anyone wiling to dispell any doudts or enlighten any news…
I’ve heard that RC SW has until 14th Feb to decide (how sweet for it to be on Valentines…)
“Roses are red
Violets are blue
Quit messing about
What’s wrong with you?”