Swimming wear

I’m going to an event at a HSM base to do swimming (basic) but as a female cadet is okay for me to wear a swimming outfit that shows my stomach?

I would speak to your Sqn staff about what they deem suitable. The regulations say ‘Standard Swimwear’ - which is open to interpretation.

For a recent Region Swimming Championships, the following instruction was given:

“Female cadets are to wear proper one-piece swimsuits and boys to wear proper swimming trunks - 2-piece swimsuits/Bermuda shorts/boxer shorts/cycling shorts are not considered suitable”.


I’m not sure if I would be able to get another piece of swimwear in time. Would it be appropriate if I were to wear tighter shorts and shirt over swimwear?

It may also be worth mentioning that I’m not particularly comfortable in a lot of women’s swimwear as it’s to revealing of the lower half of my body.

I’m afraid I cannot speak for your Sqn - the above is just guidance. Do you have a Sqn cadet chat you can pose the question to?

Does the event on Cadet Portal offer any guidance as to type of swimwear that is acceptable?

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The event does not carry information on it but I believe I may be able to do something about the situation. Thank you for your help it was very useful. :slight_smile:

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