Swimming Proficiency Tests

Just a quick question to the well informed on the ACC.
How long are the cadet swimming proficiency tests valid for?


Thank you for your reply,I was told that the test had to be taken annualy.
Thanks again.

ACPEDTI 005 Para 7:

Cadets may only be issued once with certificates at each level.

They used to be required annually but when they were most recently revised there was information (that I can’t see explicitly in the ACP) which said that they were now perpetual.

I think they removed the annual requal as in the good old days they were done at camp. Now with the loss of camp places, they have made them perpetual. Although there seems to be little opportunity, even at camp, for cadets to ‘upgrade’ to Intermediate and Advanced.

One year I got 3 ATC and 3 RAF Swimming Proficiencies as I went to 3 camps, to add to all the others I had done already.

“Basic” is the base line for water based activities - canoeing, kayaking, sailing and even river crossings - hence it’s still included in the camp programmes as it ensures all cadets can partake. There’s no incentive - at camp at least - to offer the Intermediate or Advanced levels.

However, I’d disagree that there is little opportunity to upgrade. We regularly pop down our local pool and push the cadets through the more progressive levels. Although we do get some funny looks when we get them doing stuff in a pair of coveralls!

When I said little opportunity, I mean as in arranged centrally as opposed to what me might do locally.

The majority of my cadets with swimming certs have done it at things we’ve done, either ourselves or with our local mates. Swimming at camp seems to be very hit and miss.

Apologies. In which case, yes. Diddly squat in terms of centrally organised stuff - aside from camps which, as you say, appear hit and miss depending on whether any AT type stuff is on the calendar!

Out of interest, do any Wings include the note “cadets must have passed their basic swimming to compete” for their Wing Swimming???

[quote=“Batfink” post=10105]Out of interest, do any Wings include the note “cadets must have passed their basic swimming to compete” for their Wing Swimming???[/quote]Not up here.

I was actually talking about that yesterday (we were doing advanced proficiency training in the pool where the wing swimming gala will be held later this month) and at least they have the advantage of having lifeguards at hand in the pool.

[quote=“Batfink” post=10105]Out of interest, do any Wings include the note “cadets must have passed their basic swimming to compete” for their Wing Swimming???[/quote]Seems a little pointless…

“You’re not allowed to swim a few lengths of the pool until you’ve proved that you can safely do it.”

“How do I prove that?”

“Swim a few lengths of the pool.”

The swimming proficiency is there for events that aren’t as controlled as a local swimming pool!