Subs, the price is right come on down

I have recently taken charge of subs collation on a squadron, 60+ cadets. Civ com have no desire or inclination to deal with the thorny issue of tracking/chasing monthly payments. Payments have not been tracked for some time (well over 18 months+).

All parents/guardians are given the squadron bank account details when their little darlings join and they are expected to set up a standing order or make direct bank transfers to cover the monthly subs.

My initial findings show that approx half of the cadets parents/guardians are not paying.

I have begun emailing parents/guardians with little response back thus far. I have an escalation plan in mind but then thought I’d check in with the hive mind.

How do you check monthly payments have been made and chase missing subs?

Do you have to mark one eye ball it?

Or have you come up with some ingenious process I could copy?

All help will be appreciated.

What’s your position on your Sqn?
I do handle a fair few Sqn pennies at times and I absolutely do not like it. Any time silver crosses my hand it is always witnessed or pics are taken and shared with OC and Adj.

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We’ve not far off been there and are only now just on the other side of it - only maybe 10% of the Sqn was paying. (sorry supper long post!)

Ultimately the Committee have to be in charge of the Subs, they have to pay wing, they need to shell out for things on the squadron.

After many months pleading for information on who needs to pay, and even getting an update on the bank account. Our chair and treasurer were encouraged to step down by the committee - although that was only after we got more people on.

Whilst the new treasurer worked on getting access to the bank we sent this letter out:

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am writing to inform you about the annual membership subscription fee for XXX, Air Training Corps. The fee is £120 and can be paid in any split, with a common option being £10 per month.

A portion of the subscription fee goes to Wing and HQ Air Cadets, which helps fund various
expenses such as adventure training, insurance, sports and competitions. The remaining amount
goes to our Squadron to support equipment purchases, internet payments, subsidising
external event attendance, and assisting with payment plans. It is important to note that
outstanding subscriptions could potentially hinder our ability to provide necessary equipment
and facilities for our Cadets. We are required to pay the invoice to Wing and HQ Air Cadets
regardless of whether we have received the subscription from the cadet.

To make the payment process easier, we strongly encourage parents/guardians to set up a
standing order. We recommend using the cadet’s surname as a reference.

The banking
details are as follows:
Additionally, we have the ability to claim Gift Aid on subscriptions. If you would like to take
advantage of this, please fill in the Gift Aid Declaration form.

To ensure that we are aware of your subscription payment, please complete the tear-off form
below and return it to the Squadron.

I’ll be honest we only got about a quarter of those back.

Then this month we sent them this letter:

Dear Parents / Guardian

A portion of the subscription fee goes to Wing and HQ Air Cadets, which helps fund various expenses such as adventure training, insurance, sports and competitions. The remaining amount goes to our Squadron to support equipment purchases, internet payments, subsidising external event attendance, and assisting with payment plans.

It is important to note that outstanding subscriptions could potentially hinder our ability to provide necessary equipment and facilities for our Cadets. We are required to pay the invoice to Wing and HQ Air Cadets regardless of whether we have received the subscription from the cadet.

To make the payment process easier, we strongly encourage parents/guardians to set up a standing order. We recommend using the cadet’s surname as a reference.

The banking details are as follows:

Then this is in a table which hasn’t come across well atm

Full Cost Paid Due
2024 total £120 £30 £90
2025 total £120

Last year, we had limited updates on the bank account; however, this year, it is booked in, and we will meet a minimum of once a month.

If you believe these details to be incorrect or would like to discuss a payment plan, our treasurer, XXX, is holding a drop-in session on Wednesday, 22nd January. We will never turn anyone away from the squadron for financial reasons—we just ask that you speak to any of the staff or the Civilian Committee.

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4 examples of what subs really shouldn’t be going towards… Those are all things that are publically funded.

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I am the Adj. I have no qualms about handling monies as have held financial responsibility in my civil career for years.

Am just after ideas to try and solve/simplify collation of payments.

Fair point - edited it to give some examples from acp 10. I’ll double check with my treasurer on the final letters sent out and send an update as needed

I take it that all these checks require mark one eyeball of monies in and matching to cadets.

It’s like herding cats as we have examples of Mr Smith paying in with no refs and their cadets surname is Smith so no natural link to the in knowing Adj trying to match.

It seems at this point that every month a large amount of time is going to be spent on checking and chasing payments.

Surely the entire RAFAC can’t do this dance of the mismatch every month!?

I’d love to know more because unless they put a surname in it is a guessing game, also if they forget to put in what its for :woman_facepalming:

I know some Sqns are using a system similar to schools to take money as the civ com has talked about it but we’ve not done it yet.

If I had 60 cadets, I’d certainly be looking at doing it differently!

We currently just comapre register to bank statements and go from there. But don’t have 60 cadets!

There’s a few systems out there. My own view is the ease of tracking and therefore avoiding missing payments easily outweighs the small charges.

My treasurer doesn’t agree and keeps everything on paper!

What are these mystical systems?

We use a service designed for sports clubs called SportMember for most of our payments, not just subs.

We use GoCardless, parent sets up a direct debit in month one…

6 monthly review with treasurer for any missers.


+1 for Direct Debit via GoCardless. I’ve been on Sqns where CivCom collected cash, others that asked for standing orders. Direct Debit is a huge improvement.


Scouts also use GoCardless. It’s integrated into OSM (equivalent of Bader/Westminster).

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That would be a good solution to see implemented into Bader!

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Adopting OSM would probably be even better!


OSM isn’t even their equivalent to Bader. TSA officially uses Compass, which is their equivalent to Bader, and free, but 90% of groups pay to use OSM instead: because of features like this.

Compass only manages volunteers, OSM handles the youth membership and section/group admin. (And Compass is way more controversial than Bader!)

OSM was effectively co-opted by a lot of Scout districts, paying for groups to have the Gold tier access. There’s a partnership with The Scout Association but I don’t know how that’s developed since I left.

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What do people do when there are regular non-payers? Not allow them on flying etc until they pay?
Always struggled with how we are meant to recover monies