Subjects to teach

Hiya all it’s been a while!

I’ve been thinking about a subject to potentially teach on sqn (after completion of MOI) and I’d really like to teach something belonging to the PTS like radio etc is there any that you would recommend and if I would potentially teach them what level badge or possible teaching course I would have to complete.

Thank you and hope everyone has had a good month feels like I’ve been away for ages :joy:

What area of the PTS are you most interested in?

Radio would work well. Any one with MOI or above can deliver the blue course, as long as you use the official power point. But the assessor must be accredited by the Wing radio officer. Generally, if you’ve done the silver course you can also teach the bronze course too!

Does cadet portal give you access to ACTO 73 if you go onto the resources area? That will give you all the detail about the radio syllabus.

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I’d be interested definitely in comms as currently no NCO teaches it and only our OC teaches it to blue standard so I do believe I’d be filling a gap and it would be beneficial! Sadly we don’t have access to ACTO 73 as well. Hopefully if I complete and get on a bronze course happening soon and a silver in the future I’d be able to teach bronze possibly with MOI!

I ended up talking to our OC about it as he wanted to know what area I’d like to do (comms) he thought It would be a good idea especially as the only person who teaches any radio (blue) on sqn is him!

Anything that takes pressure off the OC (in the current climate) is a win for both sides…good luck!

I’m trying desperately hard to get my NCOs all MoI so that they can get heavily involved in most aspects of PTS. True, some lessons don’t require MoI but, as an NCO I think they should be involved at all levels.

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