Stuff to do


I have recently finished senior and can not progress to master because im 14. I was supposed to teach first class to fill the gap between my 15th birthday, this was heavly supported by the staff. However the nco’s of the sqn have not allowed me to teach, giving the subjects i was supposed to teach to other cdt and cpls. This has effectively left me with nothing to do on classification evenings.

Is there anything i could do of those evenings?

Focus on other areas of the PTS?

  • iDEA award scheme (contributing to the Cyber awards)
  • Presetation Skills and MoI
  • Leadership theory as prep for Blue or Bronze Leadership
  • Musical Instrument practice for a Musicians Badge
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I’ve completed them. My sqn averages 1 to 2 staff per parade night. All of them are not qualified or simply know nothing about broader areas like cyber and music. Whatever i could of completed by myself Ive already done or staff don’t let me do for some reason. My sqn is a massive mess when it comes to training

Have you spoken to your Training Officer?

Potentially they have a plan in place for you, have you got your Method of Instruction qualification - as if not that might be what is preventing them allowing you to teach.

For me you’ve been allowed to go through the academics too fast (everyone is different - we work off 12-18 months for each classification but we also only do 2 academics night a month)