STOP 🛑 Car Parking

I don’t disagree and personally think that car parking is and always has been a safe activity and that we have appropriate measures in place. But the man at the top doesn’t agree and has at least engaged with us, so don’t see any further merit in challenging it, hence the ‘agree to disagree and salute, comment.

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And look at all the negative comments about the pause on AEF, Gliding etc etc etc etc…But with ALARP by qualified and certified people it resumed.

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So, no driving to off-sqn events due to the unknown risk of uninsured drivers, vehicles with no MOT, drivers with no licence, drivers under the influence of drugs/ alcohol, vehicles with dangerous defects such as bald tyres, etc, etc.

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I don’t want to sound ungrateful but it can’t be avoided. The engagement has been very one-way on this topic. There has been no acknowledgement of the counter-arguments people have presented, regardless of whether they agree with them or not.

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“Qualified & certified” people were running the gliding before the pause. There were so many negative aspects to how the “pause” was handled (& the knock on consequences), I don’t think that the ACC server can cope with the loading.

Please don’t try & divert attention away from the relatively simple area of car marshalling.


Granted, but I am frankly amazed that the AOC has found the time to engage to the extent he has and undoubtedly has lots of other issues to resolve, so can understand why he has been brief in his responses. At least this has kicked off the improved comms and time will tell if that will endure.


yes and at what speed?

why are car drivers assummed automatically to be driving without due care and attention, racing at kids at speeds not suitable for the conditions?

precisely, which is as a deterrent is an adequate control measure against the driver…unless we label all car drivers as people determined to kill 13 years olds unless that child knows how to wave their arm?

We have no control over those influences, yes it is a risk with potentially serious consequences, but that risk is assessed by the hierarchy as acceptably ALARP, we manage our areas of risk by ensuring CFAV are insured, cars MOT, fit for duty etc etc.

We can influence the risk in car parking…by removing it…by not doing it.

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You’re right, but engagement needs to be early and meaningful. Even if the decision remains the same and we still don’t like it, people will at least feel like they’ve been able to have a say, buying us into the decision making.

I hope you’re right but so far it also seems to be very one-way.

[quote=“steve679, post:590, topic:14272”]
yes and at what speed?

Even at walking pace, if a Cadet was to be pinned by a car against another, then harm is going to be done to them. The risk rises if it’s on grass as cars have less grip, then it rains, or its damp, or dew. then we’ve all seen the videos of cars sliding uncontrollably. Add a Cadet and the risk goes significantly above ALARP.

pilot error - doing formation flying illegally

Into a classroom, wrapped in cotton wool, learning zero life skills.

All hail the future!


No, we shouldn’t accept what seems to be an irrational (emotional?) decision seemingly made with no evidential considerations or options to “pause” (ha, ha!) car marshalling pending structured engagement to explore ways to mitigate perceived risk.


even more so when since the ban there is evidence our CF cousins of the ACF have been demonstrating it is possible

And they have risk assessed it as safe?

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I’m not sure you understand what ALARP is…


I have that feeling about lots of people in our CoC at all levels.


OK, there is nothing irrational or emotional in my decision. The activity is not ALARP and is not Tolerable IAW the risk management processes I have to abide by. I will continue to work with the Cmdt on all such safety-related issues. Nothing is ever ‘off the table’ but I can assure you the ‘arguments’ herein are not compelling. I also observe a poor understanding of our risk management processes and my personal (directed by policy) responsibility for Duty of Care of my Group. No criticism here, I have been doing this formally for. a long time (HoE / DDH / ODH) and manage a broad safety portfolio. I also understand the comms frustration - we’ll try and improve and I will try and improve this (fortnightly Town Halls as an example).

But not irrational and not emotional. That’s not how I operate.


Presumably this means that there is a clear log of decisions made and the rationale behind them? Perhaps it would alleviate the criticisms if this log was released, with the rationale and evidence being considered clearly visible for all parties, as well as how the individual pieces of evidence influenced the respective decision points?


Thanks - but how can it be made ALARP / Tolerable? This seems to be the logical step - prove it to be safe / unsafe as per current protocols / risk assessments, etc.

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