Staff records highlighted in red on SMS

Heyup folks,

I’m the adjutant at my squadron, just logged into SMS this morning and on the staff page 3 members of staff are highlighted in red, with the following message to the left.

"Any records highlighted red have conflicts with UniVerse, the pay and personnel system.

The conflicts will be on the Personal Details page and will also be highlight red. "

I’ve looked on the personal details page and can’t see anything?

Anyone any ideas?

I think it may be an address issue; when you go onto each record, although nothing is highlighted on the Pers Details page, there is extra info on that UniVerse tab on the left that says; ‘Please make sure your address does not contain any leading white space or any commas, both interfere with the communication between SMS and UniVerse.’

Personally, I appeared as red this morning and when I checked, the address listed on SMS was different to the one I have recently sent HQAC on the Change of Address Form.

So it looks like Cranwell’s records don’t tie up with what appears on SMS; something as simple as an address, perhaps?

[quote=“green monkey” post=20957]I think it may be an address issue; when you go onto each record, although nothing is highlighted on the Pers Details page, there is extra info on that UniVerse tab on the left that says; ‘Please make sure your address does not contain any leading white space or any commas, both interfere with the communication between SMS and UniVerse.’

Personally, I appeared as red this morning and when I checked, the address listed on SMS was different to the one I have recently sent HQAC on the Change of Address Form.

So it looks like Cranwell’s records don’t tie up with what appears on SMS; something as simple as an address, perhaps?[/quote]

My record shows up in Red. I’ve just moved house so I’m guessing that the HQAC System doesn’t get updated as quickly as SMS! My adj has the same issue too. I was going to wait a month and see if it was still red and then flag it up.

If this is a record matching problem, it does beg the question, why are there two systems? If we have to have two systems why can’t they “talk to each other”? There is probably some long winded technical and or administrative rationale for this, but as a layman it does seem rather stupid.
I bet they spin this round and in a few weeks we’ll all be getting forms that we have to have submitted 3 weeks ago.

I hate to spoil a good whinge but I think the point here is that the technical wizards HAVE now made the two systems talk to eachother. However where the two disagree they cannot know which is correct, and that is what is highlighted.

Ensure SMS is correct and at some point I would expect the data to be allowed over-write the other system?

Not everything is a step backwards! (most things, I grant you, but still!)


From everything I have seen, Universe will have primacy; I doubt they will let one override the other!

I also had one of my staff highlighted. The only thing I could find wrong was that his postcode had two spaces between the first and second part. I have corrected this (by deleting one of the spaces) and hope this has solved the issue.

It seems to me that this is all something that the WHQ staff, having access to both the Universe and SMS systems, will need to remedy.

We’ll be waiting a while then, if Wing HQ staff around the country are anything like ours. Still waiting a month after requesting some badges and 2 chaser emails.

My record is in the same situation, two spaces between the two parts of the post code. So I deleted and re-entered, only to have the two spaces put back in automatically.

Not as if I’ve just moved into the house, lived in same house since 1990; joined ACO in 1994. So they have no other record for me!!!

[quote=“mike whiskey” post=20963]I hate to spoil a good whinge but I think the point here is that the technical wizards HAVE now made the two systems talk to eachother. However where the two disagree they cannot know which is correct, and that is what is highlighted.

Ensure SMS is correct and at some point I would expect the data to be allowed over-write the other system?

Not everything is a step backwards! (most things, I grant you, but still!)[/quote]
If there are two systems with the same information and you’re not able to see one of them, yet held responsible for the detail on both, it is a mad situation. Even more so when you can’t correct things on the one you do have access to.