Staff qualifications on squadron

Nothing needed for Leadership.

Half a brain, some enthusiasm, and at least a bit of relevant knowledge? If you want to teach it well that is. Far less of a book topic with more subjectivity than many others.



Were you on the selection panel for CAS by any chance?


For the YFA I think it’s 16 hour or FAAW.

Delivery of activity First Aid requires a few things inc FAAW…ironically a course which the Corps doesn’t support the delivery of…

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L3 AET isn’t it?

Oh or were you referring to FAW? Both of which are indeed available if someone has the drive to make it happen. SW are accredited to deliver FAW.

AET is also available.

FAAW is delivered in my Wing, and has been very recently. You have to do some self study before the course to make up the hours or it wouldn’t fit in a weekend, but it’s been pretty popular.

It is not. Currently AET is on pause while CVQO do a rewrite. I’m a course director for it. Not sure how long before it’s back.

As for FAAW, yes it’s available if you have the right staff, or you’re willing to pay, but it’s not supported through HQAC in terms of training course directors, since we are aligned to St John’s. Happy to be corrected on that, first aid isn’t my bag.

I just did my AET externally. All done remotely in your own time. Was cheaper than faffing with the CVQO one.

Well that’s news to me. There’s certainly active courses running atm, but fair enough.

Any courses currently active through CVQO can finish, but no new ones.

For anyone interested, see attached response from Matt who co-ordinates AET for CVQO. This was in response to my enquiry about setting up an AET for my Wing, ironically to support First Aid delivery.

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That’s actually useful to know, thanks.

I have my moments….

That’s a decent number of postnominals

I was thinking the same :rofl:

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Couldn’t help but have yet another low grade meme.

And yes, 100% thread drift.

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To be fair, when you work for a training provider it’s probably one of the few times it’s justifiable to whack them all down

But theyre all at Member grade only.
No Fellowships or MCGI.

But like being a jack of all trades.

No first degree either…

Oh well; never mind…

Shall we not slide further into attempting to drag someone whose full time job is somewhat aligned with our volunteering motivations and ethos - who is undoubtedly better qualified and experienced than the majority?


If it is the same Matt Stewart I know, he is a good guy and OC Guernsey Sqn.

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