What is the material difference between SSIC and CIC? As a current SNCO who is looking to commission it seems bizarre that I will be required to complete another week of training when from what I have seen of the course it is remarkably similar.

If SSIC is still good enough for me to volunteer what will CIC add?

In a time where we are having to limit VA and make do with reduced resources how does it make sense.

The aim of CIC is to induct CFAVs to being a uniformed member of staff, which I already am…

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How long since you did your SSIC? Have you asked the CoC on direction or is this from your immediate CoC.

Completed SSIC in 2020. Heard direct from CoC and from others in a similar position who have gone through the process very recently.

Im sure there was comms saying if you had passed ssic within 5 years you didnt need to do CIC, but cant find it on sharepoint

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Agreed, when the briefing was first published, I noted that if you’d attended SSIC/CIC as SNCO within a certain number of years prior to commissioning, you didn’t need to do CIC again. I’ve just looked in ACP 20 and the CIC page on the CLS SharePoint and neither make reference to this detail. The IBN is no longer available on SharePoint to go back and look at though.

I did SSIC in November 2021 and commissioned 15 months later. I was told I had to complete CIC because the course has been changed and there are no exceptions.
I completed CIC. Wasn’t much difference to be honest, except now you don’t have to do individual presentations!


Out of interest what are your reasons for wanting to commission? What can you not do as a SNCO that requires a further week of your precious time to be invested simply to change the design of the slide you wear on your shoulder?


Longer term - Can’t command a wing as a NCO……


Exactly why it seems so bizarre to require you to complete another course. If it is so similar what is the benefit to the individual and the organisation?

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It ticks a box for someone :man_shrugging:

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